New G2C School

REVISED 4/1: G2C Guidance Document

Welcome to the Hawai'i Garden to Cafeteria Program

STEP 1: Please start by reviewing the G2C Guidance Document, then email the Garden to Cafeteria Statewide Coordinator at to begin your application process. 

STEP 2: Review the following documents and fill out the G2C Intent to Participate Form

REVISED 4/1: G2C Requirements for Compliance

Requirements for Compliance

REVISED - Food Safety Policy Statement

Food Safety Policy Statement

REVISED Project Team Roles and Responsibilites

G2C Project Team Roles and Responsibitilies 

REVISED - G2C Approved Produce List

G2C Approved Produce List 

Required G2C Forms to Complete 

STEP 3: Complete the following pdf documents FIRST to keep for your own records. THEN fill out the G2C Application Google Form

REVISED 4/1: G2C Project Team Signatures

Team Signature Page

REVISED 4/1: HIDOE Facilities Development Branch Review Form

Facilities Development Branch Form

G2C Garden Map Instructions

Garden Map Instructions 

STEP 4: Attend G2C New School Training. 

STEP 5: Conduct necessary soil & water testing (Lab Testing by Island). 

View the document Lab Testing by Island to search for labs near you.


*Soil Testing Policy: Soil testing is not a GAP requirement. School only needs to test for lead and arsenic in soil on a case by case basis, if previous contaminants are known to be present in the garden site. 

**Water Testing Policy: School only needs water testing for lead/arsenic if it does not use municipal water for garden activities. All municipal water lines have pathogen data made publicly available on an annual basis by the Board of Water Supply. Schools must continue to test for e. Coli and total coliform annually. If you are unsure if your school uses municipal water, contact your schools administration/custodial staff. 

Approval Process

STEP 6: Communicate with the G2C Statewide Coordinator ( and Hawaii Department of Education (HIDOE) School Food Services Branch (SFSB) Supervisor regarding your schools application and approval to participate. 

G2C Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and Log Templates 

STEP 7: Once your school is approved to participate in the program, the following SOPs and Logs must be kept current and included in your school's G2C Google Folder as a requirement of your participation in G2C. These should be kept editable in google doc format, regularly checked by the G2C Project Lead and reviewed by the G2C Statewide/Regional Coordinator.

Soil and Plant Health  Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and Logs

REVISED Soil Testing SOP

Soil Testing SOP 

REVISED - Soil Testing Log

Soil Testing Log 

REVISED - Water Testing SOP

Water Testing SOP 

REVISED - Water Testing Log

Water Testing Log 

REVISED - Green Waste Hot Composting SOP

Green Waste Hot Composting SOP 

REVISED Green Waste Hot Composting Log

Green Waste Hot Composting Log 

REVISED Vermicomposting SOP

Vermicomposting SOP

Vermicomposting Log

Vermicomposting Log 

REVISED: Soil Amendment SOP

Soil Amendment SOP

REVISED Soil Amendment Log

Soil Amendment Log 

REVISED - Pesticide Application SOP

Pesticide Application SOP 

REVISED - Pesticide Application Log

Pesticide Application Log 

Harvest Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and Logs

The following documents will prepare you for a garden harvest from start to finish in the following order. 

Tip: Click the hyper links to create a new copy of the document for your school

REVISED: Sanitation SOP: Harvest Tools, Equipment and Preparation Area

Sanitation SOP

Harvest Tools, Equipment and Harvest Preparation Area

REVISED: Harvest SOP: Pre-harvest and Active Harvest Risk Assessment

Harvest SOP

Pre harvest and Active Harvest Risk Assessment

Harvest Checklist

Harvest Checklist + Corrective Action

REVISED Harvest Receipt

Harvest Receipt

NEW Delivery SOP

Delivery SOP

REVISED : Delivery and Reimbursement Log

Delivery + Reimbursement Log

STEP 8: Schedule Risk Assessment and Traceability Exercises with your Regional Coordinator prior to first harvest. 

NEW: G2C Risk Assessment Sheet

Risk Assessment Exercise 

NEW: G2C Traceability Exercise

Traceability Exercise 

STEP 9: Prepare for yearly audit by NSEVP, to be conducted at the end of the school year (spring semester). 

STEP 10: End of Semester House Keeping 

Fall 2023 End of Semester Report Form

Spring 2024 End of Semester Report Form