Grading Policy

Hingham Middle School Band Grading Policy

Students enrolled in band at Hingham Middle School will be graded each term based on the following criteria:

1. Attendance- Students who fail to attend a performance for reasons other than an illness that required an absence from school (or another comparable emergency) will have their term grade reduced by a full letter. Failure to consistently bring an instrument or pencil will also have a detrimental impact on student grades.

2. Rehearsal Participation (20%)- Students will be given a daily participation grade for each rehearsal, assessing individual contribution, engagement, preparation and focus. A rubric will be provided.

3. Performance “Check-ins” (20%)- Over the course of each term, students will be regularly asked to perform brief excerpts either from our concert repertoire or other exercises (scales, rhythm patterns, etc.) that assist in overall skill development. These “check-ins” are designed to help both student and director gauge individual progress and will either be submitted via Google Classroom or performed during rehearsal. Rubrics will be provided.

4. Performance Assessments (20%)- Once per term, students will prepare and submit more significant recordings via Google Classroom demonstrating individual musical growth. These assessments will focus on both concert repertoire and general musical technique. Those who audition for the District and/or SEMSBA Festival will not be required to perform a playing test that term, assuming their scores demonstrate significant preparation. Rubrics will be provided.

5. Special Topic Project (15%)- Once per term, students will prepare and submit a project on a musical topic of their choice approved in advance by the director. (Previous topics have included biographies of famous musicians, histories of musical instruments, original student compositions, etc.) Projects can be completed by individual students or in small groups and should demonstrate significant study and preparation. A rubric will be provided.

6. Music Theory Assessments (15%)- Several times each term, students will take part in a variety of exercises meant to extend their knowledge of music theory and enhance their ear training skills. These exercises are to be kept on staff paper in the student’s music folder and collected at the end of the term.

7. Music Folder Condition (5%)- At the end of each term, students' in-class music folders will be examined to ensure that appropriate markings (dynamics, cuts, expressive text) have been written on the music by each student, and that the music has not been defaced.

The above criteria will be divided into percentages of a total term grade in the following manner. These percentages will remain consistent for each of the four terms.