
Welcome to Preschool

While it may feel like summer, the first official day of the season kicks off on Sunday when the sun reaches its northernmost point.

If you ask any Hilltop teacher, it’s always a perfect time to read. But the leisurely months of summer are a great time to read and let the literature take you someplace new.

Books take us to places when we cannot leave our homes. They introduce us to people we may never have the opportunity to meet. They place us in situations that we have never experienced ourselves. Books can transform us in ways that can change our thinking and teach us the most important life lessons.

English teacher, Sarah Weeks, focussed this year's summer reading selections on New York City. As COVID restrictions begin to lift, we can look forward to taking day trips, and why not to places near our own backyard. Whether you stay close to home or venture out, the books on this summer's book list take you to the Big Apple.

As you begin your summer reading, remember that audiobooks are great for travel or listening as a family.


  • Backpack and Lunchbox (no wheeled backpacks)

  • Complete change of clothes (including undergarments) in a ziploc bag with child's name

  • Vinyl smock for Art labeled with child's name and packed in a ziploc bag

  • For afternoon PS students: Crib sheet and light blanket (in a labeled vinyl or plastic storage bag)

All students are encouraged to bring a filled, personal water bottle to school each day. For health reasons, students may not refill their bottles or drink from the school's communal fountains. Water stations will be set up in each classroom.

SUMMER ASSIGNMENT: For the NYC-themed required text, students must complete ONE of the following THREE projects using the places, landmarks, street signs, etc. mentioned in your book. Click the arrow for details.

I. Create a map showcasing the different locations your character(s)visited/saw while in NYC.

II. Make a collage of the various NYC places your book's character(s) visited/saw.

III. Make a postcard that your character would send from one of the main places they visited while in NYC.

Required Text: 10 Little Monsters Visit New York City by Jess Smart Smiley

What started out as an intellectual debate about whether or not there are sheep in New York City has developed into this young kid's travel guide. Aiden, who has seen his dad author books, wanted to write his own book. Multi-talented Aiden, age 4, set out to guide you through the Big Apple and demonstrate that there are indeed sheep in New York City.

Summer Activities Checklist: Keep this checklist handy and check off the activities you do!

Read, read, read

Pick flowers

Make ice cream

Make playdough

Play with bubbles

Visit the beach

Play in the sprinkler

Catch and release lightning bugs

Make s'mores

Create art with sidewalk chalk

Have a family picnic

Play hide and seek

Wash the car

Toss water balloons

Plant seeds

Look at the stars

Paint outside

Have a tea party

Make pizza

Go on a nature scavenger hunt


Make popcorn & have a movie night

Make a tent or fort

Go for a walk

Make ice pops