Birthday Information

Dear Parents,

Birthdays are an important part of our lives, especially when you are in Kindergarten! This year we will continue to acknowledge your child’s special day. We will celebrate in the classroom by creating a teacher directed book for your child. Each child in the classroom will dictate to the teacher a birthday wish or greeting to the birthday child that only the teacher will have access to.

We ask you for your assistance with this celebration by choosing a book from home. Together with your child, please video yourselves reading the story (the child can read the title while the parents read the text). Try to limit the story to under ten minutes. Please email this video to your child’s classroom teacher two days prior to their birthday. If your child’s birthday falls on a weekend, your classroom teacher will contact you with a date. For summer birthdays, your classroom teacher will assign an un-birthday date in the spring.

Thank you for being a part of your child’s special day,

The K-Team