For years, it has been known that the large-scale renovation that George W. White needs cannot be paid for from the annual operating budget.

A Plan to Renew GW

Hillsdale's middle school faces many constraints on a daily basis:

Patchwork fixes drain resources. GW needs a long-term solution.

A new look for old George G. White Middle School

This concept drawing shows:

It also includes:

Hearing Our Community  

Hillsdale Public Schools conducted a comprehensive, wide outreach to community members to hear feedback and determine the best path to solve the district’s needs. 

Four “Referendum Options Considerations” meetings were held between June 2023 and January 2024 that granted the opportunity for an open discussion between the Hillsdale Board of Education, parents, Hillsdale residents and the Borough of Hillsdale Business Administrator. 

These meetings were a collaborative effort, with district administrators presenting and modifying options in real-time to gather guiding principles. These guiding principles from the community leaned on saving GW, maximizing state aid, and lowering the tax impact. 

After the final meeting in January, the district worked with professional experts to develop the preliminary plans based on what the Hillsdale community determined to be the deciding factors. 

To learn more, explore slide presentations and recordings.