Careers and Vocational Information

The staff at the Career Centre can provide students with career information and guidance to assist them in their decision making process, including help with subject choice and other related matters. 

Assistance with any career-related queries

Here you can access a wide range of resources:

Information on NZ tertiary education providers (universities, polytechnics, and private training providers) plus on-job training opportunities (apprenticeships, cadetships, armed forces, police)

Career consultation appointments

Various assessments to match students’ strengths, interests and personalities with suitable careers

Up-to-date job and labour market information

Access to career ‘Taster’ courses and Gateway (work experience) placements

CV preparation/job-seeking assistance

The Centre is open to students every day, including lunchtimes and intervals. 

Parents/caregivers are also welcome to contact the Careers Centre.

CONTACT PERSON:  Scott Barry (ext 843),  Sally Graham (ext 844)

For online career information:

Facebook: Hillcrest High School Careers Centre