The Winter Break Edition

¡Saludos de Sarah!

¡Hola, familias!

Estoy agradecido por todo su apoyo esta semana mientras regresamos de las vacaciones de invierno en medio del aumento del número de covid, nuevos miembros del personal y nuevas clases. Los estudiantes han sido increíbles y ustedes han ofrecido amor y apoyo de muchas maneras. Gwen y yo apreciamos mucho su gracia y paciencia, ya que continuamente le damos sentido a los protocolos de Covid y apoyamos la construcción de una nueva comunidad en nuestras aulas.

¡Mire a continuación para obtener más información sobre lo que se avecina para las familias en High Tech Middle!


Sarah Strong

Interim Director, High Tech Middle

Nuestros cuatro nuevos maestros en acción.

Esta semana, Evan Phillips, Trisha Miller, Ruth Collinot y Heather Gaunt se unieron al equipo de maestros en HTM. Tuvieron unas primeras semanas increíbles construyendo una comunidad y preparándose para lanzar un semestre de Aprendizaje basado en proyectos con sus estudiantes. ¡Estamos muy agradecidos de tenerlos como parte de la comunidad! Míralos en acción a continuación.

Apoyo a los padres: servicio de almuerzo, apoyo a proyectos, deportes !!!

Servicio de almuerzo: Si puede presentarse a las 11 a. M. O para apoyar con el deber de almuerzo, ¡los maestros lo agradecerán mucho! ¡Haga clic aquí y regístrese para obtener un espacio! Sarah se comunicará contigo esa mañana para obtener más detalles. También hay un espacio para inscribirse en el soporte administrativo de Gwen y Sarah los viernes. Si puede hacer esto, nos coordinaremos con usted antes del viernes y decidiremos algunos proyectos pequeños para trabajar ese día.

Apoyo en proyectos / Entrenamiento deportivo: si tiene alguna conexión con oradores invitados, excursiones o entrenadores deportivos, complete este formulario. El formulario enumera las conexiones específicas del proyecto que podría realizar. ¡Gracias!

Alertas de Covid de Gwen

You may have already received one (or multiple) emails about your child being a close contact. If you haven't, with the rise in cases it is very likely you will. Please do not be overly alarmed. When we send these messages about close contact in schools it is done based on shared class rosters, and so it means that your child was in a shared class with a student or adult (masked), and not that we have strong reason to believe they were very close to someone.

Covid updates from our Chief Operations Officer

Dear High Tech High Families:

Our return to school amid growing COVID-19 cases in the community understandably raises questions about what we are doing to keep students and staff safe and if schools could shift to distance learning.

California’s governor, state superintendent of public instruction, and local public health officials have maintained a commitment to in-person instruction, noting that less than 1% of California schools have closed due to coronavirus outbreaks since the start of the school year. High Tech High has taken measures to ensure that we are following the federal, state, and local guidance and protocols necessary to continue safely operating.

At what point might a shift to distance learning occur? There is no specific case threshold at which state and local public health recommend a temporary closure of a classroom or school. Guidance from the California Department of Public Health states that “a temporary school closure due to COVID-19 should be a last resort and considered only after all available resources have been exhausted in an attempt to preserve in-person education.”

Should a situation arise where we’re seeing high rates of in-school transmission or experiencing operational challenges (such as our ability to maintain sufficient staff to provide in-person instruction) due to COVID-19, we will work with the San Diego County Office of Education and local public health officials to make decisions that support health and safety as well as continuity of learning for our students. Please note that High Tech High is following the isolation and quarantine guidance issued by CDPH that is now reflected in the latest COVID-19 decision tree, updated Jan. 5, 2022.

We understand this is a time of uncertainty and concern. We will work through this together to keep our students, families, and staff safe. You can help by ensuring your family is vaccinated (and boosted if applicable); tested for COVID-19 if they have been exposed or are presenting symptoms; and keeping family members home if they are ill. This is especially important to remember.

As the pandemic continues to evolve, we are trying to respond and adapt quickly in order to keep our schools open in a safe manner. We appreciate your support and understanding, and we will continue to keep you updated.


Colleen J. Green, Ph.D.

Interim Chief Operations Officer

Before and After school program Updates

The amazing Perla has been getting our before and after school programs up and running again and has some amazing clubs, sports, and activities coming up in the coming weeks. We will keep you posted about dates for those. In the meantime, make sure your child is signed up for aftercare in the powerschool parent portal. Here are instructions from Perla on that:

You will need to sign in to Powerschool in order to fill it out. Incase you don't have the link, here it is:

If you do not remember it please feel free to reach out to our site manager, Veronica Martinez (

The form to fill out can be found in the "Information" section on the left hand side under "forms".

The form is titled "The Zone: 2021-22 Before and After School Enrollment Form"

Important Dates

  • Mon, Jan 17: MLK Holiday (No School) Event

  • Wed, Jan 19: "Sips with Sarah" - Coffee Chat with the Director

  • Fri, Feb 18 & Mon, Feb 21: Presidents' Day Holiday (No School)

  • March 24: Tentative all-school exhibition

For more dates, please check out the HTM School Calendar online.

HTM Calendar 2021/22

Celebrating HTM's Community Partners

Thank you to the HTM Community Partners, your generosity helps to make the work we do possible. Show our community partners some love by clicking on the images above to visit their websites.