
X-Blocks Are Underway

[pictured above] students during indoor X -Block: American Sign Language, Drawing, Origami, and Chess.

"Devious Lick" TikTok Challenge

Some of you may have heard of a recent and harmful “challenge” on the social media app TikTok where individuals are encouraging others to steal or damage school property. There are videos of students across the country doing damage to school bathrooms and “licking” or stealing items from schools. While we are fortunate that we have not had a major incident on our North County campus, we are not immune to the trend and some of our network schools have seen severe vandalism and theft, which is why we are reaching out.

Our buildings are meant to be a safe, clean space for our students and staff. Replacing these items is very costly and takes precious time away from other priorities. Beyond this, our custodial team works very hard to serve our student population and keep our campuses clean and safe; especially with the increased risks from COVID-19. Whether or not you allow your student to have social media, they will likely hear about this viral trend.

We are asking that you please check in with your students about making sure they are being socially responsible, are taking care of our spaces, and that they recognize the unnecessary work they are potentially creating for our hard working staff. It is important to note that property damage, theft, and vandalism are incredibly serious safety concerns and will be treated as such.

Thank you for partnering with us to keep our schools and students safe. We look forward to your continued partnership.

See this article about the Tik Tok trend.

Es posible que algunos de ustedes hayan oído hablar de un "desafío" reciente y dañino en la aplicación de redes sociales TikTok, donde las personas están animando a otros a robar o dañar la propiedad escolar. Hay videos de estudiantes en todo el país que dañan los baños de las escuelas y “lamen” o roban artículos de las escuelas. Si bien somos afortunados de no haber tenido un incidente importante en nuestro campus del norte del condado, no somos inmunes a la tendencia y algunas de las escuelas de nuestra red han sufrido vandalismo y robos graves, por lo que nos estamos acercando.

Nuestros edificios están destinados a ser un espacio limpio y seguro para nuestros estudiantes y personal. Reemplazar estos artículos es muy costoso y le quita un tiempo precioso a otras prioridades. Más allá de esto, nuestro equipo de conserjes trabaja muy duro para servir a nuestra población estudiantil y mantener nuestros campus limpios y seguros; especialmente con los mayores riesgos de COVID-19. Ya sea que permita o no que su estudiante tenga redes sociales, es probable que se enteren de esta tendencia viral.

Le pedimos que consulte con sus estudiantes para asegurarse de que estén siendo socialmente responsables, estén cuidando nuestros espacios y que reconozcan el trabajo innecesario que potencialmente están creando para nuestro arduo personal. Es importante tener en cuenta que los daños a la propiedad, el robo y el vandalismo son problemas de seguridad increíblemente graves y se tratarán como tales.

Gracias por asociarse con nosotros para mantener la seguridad de nuestras escuelas y estudiantes. Esperamos contar con su colaboración continua.

Vea este artículo sobre la tendencia Tik Tok.

Back to School Night

Please mark your calendars for Thursday Sept 23rd, we will be hosting our annual back to school night on Zoom this year. You will have a chance to hear from your child's teachers about things happening in their classroom, as well as some information that applies to the whole school.

5:30 to 6:15p - Meet with your child's teacher on Zoom from.

6:15 to 7:00p - Meet with Director, Dean, Site Manager and After Care Manager on Zoom from.

In support of families who have children or if you are not able to attend these meetings live, we will share a recording of these meetings for you to view at a later day.

Aftercare Updates

Unfortunately, there is not a lot of good news to share with respect to finding staffing for our aftercare program. We are competing with all of the High Tech High schools as well as all of the other schools in San Diego who are short staffed and at HTM we have a higher requirement for employment (which is mandated by the ASES grant, which enables us to offer the program to be free to all families; all of our before and aftercare employees are required to have at least 60 units of college credit).

If you know of anyone who is interested in joining our team, please feel free to share the hiring post - https://jobs.lever.co/hightechhigh/879a7949-14c0-42dd-b7d2-bd32fe32500f.

Important Dates

  • September 23 - HTM: Back to School Night 5:30 to 7:00p (Zoom option will be available)

  • October 08 - All Schools Staff Day (No School for Students

  • October 11 - Indigenous Peoples' Day (No Staff or Students in Attendance)

  • October 19 - Picture Day

  • October 26 to 29 half days for SLC Week

Link to full calendar.

HTM Calendar 2021/22