Ms. Vergara

 Digital Portfolio

Thank you for visiting my digital portfolio! Here you will find information about me and my teaching experience and ideas. 

Please reach out if you have any questions or want to chat about anything!

The taller a tree the deeper its roots."

"A tree with strong roots laughs at storms." by Malay Proverb

"Storms make trees take deeper roots." by Dolly Parton 

"Growth takes strong roots." 

Welcome to my digital portfolio, check out this video:

Who am I? What is my DP about? What are my 3 teaching core beliefs?

My name is Maria, I'm from Colombia. I came to San Diego a year ago to do my Masters' program. The reason I came here to San Diego was to learn about PBL. I've had the flexibility to visit and be part of different classrooms: 3rd, 4th, 5th and 8th grade. I've been learning about Lesson Study Cycles (1,2,3). I've been participating in Professional Learnings, book clubs, PBL design camp, PBL in action, Odyseey Week, Project unpackings (tuning protocols, dilemma consultancy). I've learned a lot about the use and importance of protocols when it comes to education. 

Here in my DP you will see what my journey this year has been. I would love if this website serves as a guideline for other teachers too. Everyone is welcome! I would love to stay connected with HTH teachers as a way to keep growing and improving together. You will find experiences I've had and seen in the different classroom settings as well as useful resources from the different classes I've attended for my Masters. 

The core beliefs that align to this DP is a lot. I would say the ones that predominate the most are: being curious, willing to learn, step out of comfort zone, take risks, don't be afraid to try new things, there's no deadline or ending when it comes to learning, it's about being an active listener and being willing to learn from others, being open minded, show empathy/appreciation and respect for the work of others, don't be afraid to learn things for the first time (is never too late), don't be afraid to ask questions, connect with others and work collaboratively.


My name is Mariangela (short name: Maria). It’s a pleasure to be part of the ‘Teacher Residency’ at HTH California. I’m from Colombia and currently living and working here. I’m 30 years old. I studied in Spain and then traveled to HongKong to continue with my college career. My parents own a private school in Colombia and all my life I’ve discovered a passion for teaching and learning. I had the opportunity to work as a homeroom teacher in Second Grade teaching my 28 kids English and Math. Nowadays, I teach STEAM classes (Design thinking and Sustainable Development Goals) through 2th-5th grade. Our school in Colombia is moving to a PBL school and in August 2022 we will be inaugurating our Innovation Center where students will be working through STEAM projects, developing 21st Century skills, aiming to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and working Project Based Learning. This is why I’m looking forward to learning a lot at HTH and bringing all that knowledge and experience into my school in Colombia. Teachers are quite resistant to change and try PBL in their classrooms but I think my role as a leader is to guide them through a trustful experience where they get in love with PBL and become risk takers where students are the center of our learning and our the main reason why we wanted to become teachers in first hand.

Besides my love towards education, I want this 1 year experience away from home to be a transforming and life changing opportunity to grow as a human being. I want to be as open as flexible as possible to live one day at a time and enjoy every opportunity life has to offer me. I would love to find a place to feel like home, where I can balance school work with things I love such as: going for a walk/run, enjoy a sunset, visit a Christian church, travel through California, improve my English skills (second language), meet new friends, among others.

Can’t wait for this life-changing experience! Here I go!

Mariangela Vergara, Elementary Teacher

Check out my school in Colombia 



Here's some of the work we've done in Altamira