Ripple Effect

Water Card

Our Water Card assignment was based on the 'closest' body of water we could find near our houses. We take a picture of the water we found and put it along with charts and graphs. The charts and graphs are about questions we picked that were asked to the class. For example I chose "How many minutes does it take you to shower?" which was asked to all the students and I put the data from the students on a histogram.

Mission Bay Article

This is the Mission Bay Article project. We all went to Mission Bay as a field trip and got to go in the water. We took a lot of pictures and I measured the temperature of the bay water compared to regular water for physics. In the article we wrote about a story that stuck to us during the field trip and it is importance.

Water bottle

The Water bottle assignment was when we chose a body of water. We all had a partner and between each other we would choose 'new' or 'old'. I chose old. Depending on what you chose you would learn more about it. So since I chose old I was learning about the old side of San Diego Bay.

Humans of water

Humans of Water was about a person that we decided to interview that is educated with water. I interviewed Rob Hustle who is one of the owners of the San Diego River Foundation. I like how he expresses his love for the river. I asked him a good handful of questions mostly just about why this foundation and why is water so important to him.

Letter to Legislator

Our Letter to our Legislator was an assignment assigned to let us get an important point across to our legislator. My legislator was Sara Jacobs and I wanted her to know how passionate I was about over burning the rainforests down and how it affects everybody and everything.

Math Modeling Poster

The Math Modeling poster was our water assignment based on a problem that can be fixed in the world if everyone was aware by it. The problem was calculated into a equation and was sent with our letter to our legislator. But I chose 2 different subjects for each assignment so they weren't attached together. Click to read about it.

Final project in Hum.

My final project in Humanities is a project with my group. We decided on making a giant magazine with a bunch of peoples in the class incredible work from throughout the year that connects to our water topic. Click the pic to read about it!

Water Filter

The Water Filter assignment was an assignment in physics. We were in a group and had to pick an contraction that produces water. My group chose distillation and made an distillation prototype. Click on the pic to read more about the project.

Pump Lab

The Pump Lab was a Lab where my group and I made a mini lazy river. I liked this lab a lot because I really like how I did on it and how creative it was. It was also really cool cause I got to try new things like work a motor and use a really fast cutting machine.