Living History

Modifying Nature

We were super engaged with history of early civilizations. This assignment helped us learn more about how the people back then would modify certain things and how they would do it. We would draw our own picture of the object we picked. We would insert all the information on photoshop. Photoshop was hard for a lot of students but it's good we got practice. Some knew better then others. Some got used to it faster then others. My experience was super chaotic and the formatting seemed impossible but I preserved and finished the assignment. Pretty proud of the outcome.

Charlize Griffin - Stone Tool Poster

Stone Tool Poster

This assignment was based on our knowledge of living history. It tested us on how we thought they would survive back then. It helped us learn a lot of how they actually would live and what they would make to help them live. It was to see if we would be able to hand carve an piece of stone and make it into a knife, axe etc. I chose the material Keokuk. I feel like this helped a lot on knowledge to improve our wildlife abilities.

Making Bread

We made bread as a family. Well we were assigned a fake family and it is a good thing I was with my friends Jessica and Turin. The teachers assigned this as a way to show us what the people would eat. It was a way to show us how they would eat and how they would make food. We got taught how to make the bread they would make. It was a good and easy process. You need patience and time for it to be to your expectations. After the dough process with the yeast and flour and such you let it sit for a full day with an cover so it can rise. After this you bake it and make it your own.

Clay Tablets

This is my clay tablet. Clay tablets were a big part of ancient times. Used as decoration or to communicate it has many purposes. To make this Clay tablet you carve into the clay then let it dry fully. Me made these tablets with a partner and we would each get our own part to contribute to this project. For example my partner was cam and our quote was "If a man does not take no for an answer, An eternity of fire awaits." Meaning if a man does not accept a women saying no to him and disrespects her he will be punished. Basically burn in fire in the underground.

Math History Portrait

The math history project was about a mathematical practice used in the ancient days. We would draw it very detailed and neat and then research it. We would then write a paragraph to sum up the practice and provide example too. I chose the Quipu practice. The Quipu would be mostly be used by the Incas which is an Native American group. You can use the Quipu by tying knots in a piece of string and depending on how many knots are in one string is the number they are trying to communicate. Read my paragraph for more information about it!


The catapult project is one of my favorites. It looks a little more modernized then the ancient catapults made back then but it was handmade just like the ones made back then. It is made out of wood, rubber-bands and a stool with bricks to hold it down kind of like a base. This catapult was used in an intercession to throw bows. Kind of like how ancient people would use catapults to throw stones etc. The process was rough and there were many difficulties like an example is I had to make the base with Allyah but they ended up not needing our part anymore so we had to throw out our whole half finished product. My group powered through it though. My groups catapult name is Ballista.

Living History Book

The book assignment was probably one of the most challenging assignments we had the whole year. We made a whole book about our ancient civilizations. The process was rough for everybody. Only some students knew how to do the covering and stitching of the book so students would help each other on how to do it step by step. This helped the students bond a lot and get things done quicker I feel. The process it took to finish my book was long and painful since I was falling behind at a certain point. We all struggled during the process but felt relief at exhibition. The writing in my book went well, I was very descriptive since I educated myself a lot on my civilization. We had to draw our own pictures in the book which was probably my least favorite part since I am not too fond of drawing. In the end I am proud of my outcome and it ended up being on display for the Meso-America booth.