
Artist Statement

The problem that I’m trying to convey is how even after several years the “glass ceiling” is still present in our everyday lives. The glass ceiling is a metaphor that was used roughly 50 years ago to represent an invisible barrier that kept women and minorities from rising to the level of the hierarchy (such as the royals and white people). Even though many women and minorities have been able to break through the glass ceiling, women still have many hurdles along the way. Such as not being paid the same as male athletes nor having the same support in politics. People who still remain beneath the glass ceiling are women, minorities, and people with disabilities.

In my art piece I incorporated ethos, pathos, and logos. Ethos and pathos are present in my art piece because they are many people who can relate to it. Many female athletes, female politicians, people of color, and people with disabilities feel put down due to thier looks, the color of their skin, and their gender. Female until this day have a huge wage gap. For every dollar a man makes a woman make 79 cents. As both women and men get older their salary increases but for women this rate is much slower. The wage is also dependant on ethnicity. For example, Latinas earn just 53 percent of what white men make in a year. Another example of this is the wage gap between female and male athletes. The highest paid male soccer player makes 40 million euros compared to the highest paid female soccer player at 500 thousand dollars. Logos is also present because this is something real that everyone is aware of. We all know how people are discriminated against due to their gender, race, or disabilities.