Choir students are not graded on what they can write down on a test. They are graded on three things:
What they do in the classroom on a daily basis. This type of assessment is called Bodily-Kinesthetic assessment (as opposed to Verbal-Linguistic).
Occasional recordings
Concert Participation
Students are graded on how well they engage in the physical activities of daily rehearsal - 4 points a day. These activities include those that address posture, mouth shape, breath support, vowel modification, and Dalcroze gesture (bodily movement to both internalize and display meter, phrasing, dynamics, contour, and breathing). As teamwork is a central component of every musical ensemble, students' ability to remain focused, engaged, and attentive are part of the assessment of choir rehearsals.
Secondly, students will submit occasional recordings - usually only 1 per quarter - and usually about 20-30 seconds in length. These are largely designed to facilitate me, the director, in getting to know student voices and track student progress. The grading rubric will focus on different areas of singing - that gradebook grade will largely be a completion grade.
Finally, concerts are the Summative Assessments - so they are required. Advance email notification is required no later than 2 weeks before the event if there is an unavoidable conflict. There will be make-up work to earn the concert grade of an excused concert absence.