Science Capital

Science capital can be thought of as a bag you carry through life. Inside it contains all the science you know, attitudes (what you think), experiences (what you do), and contacts (who you know). The more science capital a young person has, the more likely they are to aspire to study science in the future. Teachers can make a large difference to student engagement with science by recognising and valuing students' existing science capital.

Engagement with the Science Capital Teaching Approach results in many benefits for both students and teachers. Some of these benefits include:

  • Improving stuendets understanding and recall of science content.
  • Helps students find more relevance to science.
  • Widens and deepens student's engatement with science in lessons.
  • Improves student's behaviour during science lessons.

Mearns Primary in East Renfrewshire have produced a draft Primary Teacher's Handbook. This contains more information about Science Capital and useful checklists which enable you to raise Science Capital in your setting.

Science Capital Primary Teacher's Handbook.pdf