Grade Six

Guiding Questions for Grade Six:

  • What is a system?
  • What is the value of a systems model?
  • How are living systems and Earth systems alike and different?
  • Why is weather so different in different parts of California?
  • How do models help us understand the different kinds of weather in California?
  • Why is the climate so different in different regions of the planet?
  • How do people predict the weather?
  • Why are organisms so different in different regions of a planet?
  • What makes organisms both so similar to and so different from their parents?
  • What makes animals behave the way they do, and how does their behavior affect their survival and reproduction?
  • How do human activities affect Earth's systems?
  • How do we know our global climate is changing?

You can access the daily slideshow presentations below. These are a great source to access when you are absent from class.

2019/2020 Grade Six Has Cells (Beginning of the School Year)
Welcome to Science, Class of 2022