Career Exploration

WhatforWork- a library of job descriptions written by people doing those jobs so you know exactly what to expect.

Department of Labor's Occupational Handbook - One of the most comprehensive collections of career data, the OOH has a wealth of information on nearly every job. You can find out what level of education is needed for a profession, what you can do with a specific college major, what the average starting salary is, and what the projected demand will be in that career field.

Naviance Tools - The career planning and assessment tools in Naviance allow students to realize their strengths, goals, knowledge, values, and interests in future careers, to help them work toward a path that is inspiring to them. Naviance helps high school students connect interests to career fields, identify best-fit careers, learn from leaders, and plan for life after high school.

  • Self-Assessments - AchieveWORKS assessments by Human eSources support a personalized learning approach, helping students understand their personality type, learning styles, and unique bits of intelligence. Together, the assessments provide a comprehensive profile of students' strengths and personal attributes that gives students the tools they need to take charge of their own learning.

    • Do What You Are® focuses on personality type, which is really about behavior and personal values.

    • The Learning Style Inventory provides insight into environments and situations where students are most productive and receptive to learning.

    • MI AdvantageTM digs deeply into cognitive patterns that reveal a student’s inclination for certain skills and knowledge.

  • Career Assessment - Career Key is an online career assessment for middle and high school students based on Holland’s highly respected and research-based interest codes. Career Key's scientific matching system enables students to identify careers and college majors that match their interests, traits, skills, and abilities.

    • Career Cluster Finder – This online questionnaire helps students discover career clusters that are most interesting to them.

    • Career Interest Profiler – This profiler uses Holland’s Code (Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional) to match careers to students’ interests. Students can view matching occupations, explore possible majors and colleges.

  • Career Videos - Roadtrip Nation has 3,500+ video interviews chronicling the diverse personal stories of leaders who have turned their interests into their life’s work.

New Jersey School Counselor Association - The New Jersey School Counselor Association has put together an array of great resources on this page including "What can I do with a major in...?" Click on the link and explore!