Summer Reading/Math 

Dear Incoming First Graders,

I hope you had a fantastic year in Kindergarten!  I am looking forward to having you as a student in the new school year.  This packet will help you get ready for first grade. 

 Please read Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss.  Complete the Rhyming Puzzle worksheet.  Read Go Dog Go! by P. D. Eastman.- Use worksheet to  Identify and highlight  some kindergarten sight words.  Then read IF You Give A Mouse a Cookie by Laura Numeroff.  Use the worksheet to draw a picture of your favorite part of the story.  Read as often as you can.  Take 15 minutes a day to read with your child.  15 minutes 3-5 days a week will hopefully improve their reading skills.  Look for Kindergarten sight words in any book you read.  Let them become "Word Detectives" and spot their sight words.   

There is also a math packet that can be used from the kindergarten math book called "Step up to 1st grade".  Please feel free to go to our office and pick up a copy if you are a newly entering student.

Have a fun summer and can't wait to hear of the adventures you made together as a family!

Please return all completed work during the first day of school.

I am so lucky to have you in first grade with me!!!!  I am looking forward to an exciting fun filled year with you!

Ms. Lusher