
Articles in Refereed Journals

  • Ivry, T. Ogawa, M., Murotsuki, J. (Forthcoming) Virtuous Indecisiveness: Structural Moral Ambivalence and the Tentative Implementation of Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing in Japan. Cultural Anthropology May 2023 Vol.38 issue 2.

  • Teman, E., & Ivry, T. (2021). Pregnancy and the Reproductive Habitus of Ultra-Orthodox Jewish Women. Medical Anthropology, 1-13.

  • Ivry, T., & Teman, E. (2019) Shouldering Moral Responsibility: The Division of Moral Labor among Pregnant Women, Rabbis, and Doctors. American Anthropologist

  • Ivry, T., Takaki-Einy, R., & Murotsuki, J. (2019). What disasters can reveal about techno-medical birth: Japanese women’s stories of childbirth during the 11 March, 2011 earthquake. Health, Risk & Society, 21(3-4), 164-184.

  • Ivry, T., & Teman, E. (2018). Pregnant Metaphors and Surrogate Meanings: Bringing the Ethnography of Pregnancy and Surrogacy into Conversation in Israel and Beyond. Medical anthropology quarterly, 32(2), 254-271.

  • Teman, E., Ivry, T., & Goren, H. (2016). Obligatory effort [hishtadlut] as an explanatory model: A critique of reproductive choice and control. Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry, 40(2), 268-288. . PDF

  • Ivry, T. (2015). The pregnancy manifesto: notes on how to extract reproduction from the petri dish. Medical anthropology, 34(3), 274-289. PDF

  • Ivry, T. (2015). The Predicaments of Koshering Prenatal Diagnosis and the Rise of a New Rabbinic Leadership. Ethnologie française, 45(2), 281-292. PDF

  • Ivry, T. (2015). Les dilemmes du diagnostic prénatal cacher et la montée d’un nouveau leadership rabbinique. Ethnologie française, 45(2), 281-292.

  • Ivry, T. (2013). Halachic infertility: rabbis, doctors, and the struggle over professional boundaries. Medical anthropology, 32(3), 208-226.

  • Ivry, T., Teman, E., & Frumkin, A. (2011). God-sent ordeals and their discontents: Ultra-orthodox Jewish women negotiate prenatal testing. Social Science & Medicine, 72(9), 1527-1533.

  • Teman, E., Ivry, T., & Bernhardt, B. A. (2011). Pregnancy as a proclamation of faith: Ultra‐Orthodox Jewish women navigating the uncertainty of pregnancy and prenatal diagnosis. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A, 155(1), 69-80.

  • Ivry, T. (2010). Kosher medicine and medicalized halacha: An exploration of triadic relations among Israeli rabbis, doctors, and infertility patients. American Ethnologist, 37(4), 662-680.

  • Ivry, T. (2009). The ultrasonic picture show and the politics of threatened life. Medical Anthropology Quarterly, 23(3), 189-211.

  • Ivry, T., & Teman, E. (2008). Expectant Israeli fathers and the medicalized pregnancy: Ambivalent compliance and critical pragmatism. Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry, 32(3), 358-385.

  • Tsipy, I. (2007). Embodied responsibilities: pregnancy in the eyes of Japanese ob‐gyns. Sociology of health & illness, 29(2), 251-274.

  • Ivry, T. (2006). At the back stage of prenatal care: Japanese ob‐gyns negotiating prenatal diagnosis. Medical Anthropology Quarterly, 20(4), 441-468.

Chapters in edited volumes

Research Reports

Book Reviews

Translations from Japanese to Hebrew

  • Akutagawa Ryunosuke (1922) 1996, “In a Grove”. Sins in World Literature. pp.9-15 Gevanim: Tel Aviv. Translation by Tsipy Ivry.

  • Akutagawa, Ryunosuke, (1915) 1996, “Rashomon”. Sins in World Literature. pp. 16-24. Gevanim: Tel Aviv. Translation by Tsipy Ivry.


A. Ph.D. Dissertation Title: “Pregnant with Meaning: Conceptions of Pregnancy in Japan and Israel.”

Accepted by the senate of the Hebrew University on June 2005 with suma cum laude. 450 p; English with Hebrew abstract. Supervisors: Prof. Eyal Ben-Ari and Prof. Meira Weiss; Department of Sociology and Anthropology.