Prof. Tally Katz-Gerro

University of Haifa

Graduate Students

Naama Weber-Linhart (PhD), Urban culture and the smart city.

Tal Feder (PhD), Cultural policy in international perspective.

Dana Avital (PhD), Continuity and change in leisure patterns in retirement – micro and macro (with Haya Stier and Noah Lewin-Epstein at Tel Aviv University.

Lucy Michales (PhD), Israelis’ responses to climate change (with Alon Tal and Yaakov Garb at Ben-Gurion University).

Sharon Raz (PhD), Consumption as a social stratification mechanism (with Meir Yaish).

Matan Hakim (MA), Municipal cultural policy.

Yeala Hazut Yanuka (MA), Arts Council England (ACE) Strategic framework 2010-2020 on diversity: process analysis and future implications.

Keren Bahat (MA), Environmental Behavior among Three Generations in Israel: Directions of Influence and Motivations.

Mor Shavsha (MA), Characteristics and motives for purchasing second hand cloth: identity and pro-environmental attitudes (with Rakefet Sella-Sheffy).

Liora Aldes (MA), The association between economic and organizational characteristics and cultural products: A comparison between art museums in Israel 2000-2014.

Maya Ginsburg (MA), Comparative environmental load and societal structure between two settlements (with Avraham Hayim).

Anat Schlisselberg (MA), Coverage of water issues in the media.

Tal Feder (MA), Culture and numbers: cultural policy in Israel 1948-2008.

Noam Negri (MA), The adoption of mobile players in the digital age.

Sharon Ronen (MA), Consumption of brands among women living in poverty.

Sarit Burger (MA), The effect of cultural policy on cultural consumption.

Elena Sagan (MA), Aesthetic dispositions, attitudes toward patronage in the arts, and social distinction.

Doron Shor (MA), A cross-national comparison of gender differences in lifestyles.

Taya Schneider (MA), A cross-national comparison of cultural snobs and omnivores.

Talia Goldstein-Avrahami (MA), Consumption patterns and material possession in Israel: measures of inequality and cultural differences among social groups (with Alisa Lewin).

Adva Ne’eman-Avramovich (MA), Social Bases of Environmental Concern and Behavior in Israel.