The story of an extraordinary girl who, armed with a vivid imagination and a sharp mind, dares to take a stand and change her own destiny.

About the show

Matilda The Musical

Book by Dennis Kelly

Music and lyrics by Tim Minchin


Matilda is a little girl with astonishing wit, intelligence and psychokinetic powers. She's unloved by her cruel parents but impresses her schoolteacher, the highly loveable Miss Honey. Over the course of her first term at school, Matilda and Miss Honey have a profound effect on each other's lives, as Miss Honey begins not only to recognize but also appreciate Matilda's extraordinary personality. Matilda's school life isn't completely smooth sailing, however – the school's mean headmistress, Miss Trunchbull, hates children

and just loves thinking up new punishments for those who don't abide by her rules. But Matilda has courage and cleverness in equal amounts, and could be the school pupils' saving grace!

Matilda Cast Breakdown

Matilda Wormwood (Lead) –  An imaginative girl who is clever and wise far beyond her years. She has a thirst for learning that cannot be quenched and is a fantastic storyteller. 

Miss Agatha Trunchbull (Lead) – The tyrannical headmistress at Matilda's school who despises children. Once a famous athlete, she is described as a "gigantic Holy terror", a "fierce tyrannical monster" who "marches like a storm trooper with long arms swinging" with an "aura of menace". Must be a strong actor with an imposing presence. 

Miss Honey (Supporting) – Matilda's kindhearted teacher. She befriends Matilda. She is tired of living in fear under Miss Trunchbull. A mild, quiet person who never raises her voice and seldom seems to smile - yet possesses the rare gift of being adored by every small child under her care. She should have a curious warmth that is almost tangible. 

Mr. Wormwood (Supporting) – Matilda's uncaring father. A slimy, greedy used-car salesman. "A mean crooked crook." Strong comedic acting needed. 

Mrs. Wormwood (Supporting) – Matilda's self-absorbed, negligent mother and an amateur ballroom dancer who is obsessed with her amateur Ballroom dancing partner and her looks. She has an over-the-top personality who resents Matilda and often berates her. Strong comedic actor, singer & dancer needed. 

Michael Wormwood (Featured) – Matilda's older brother. He is not very bright and favored by their parents. Comedic Actor. Needs good deadpan comedy and the ability to find a character during a lot of stage time with few words.

Mrs. Phelps (Featured) – The kind Librarian who takes a liking to Matilda.

THETEENS/YOUNG ADULTS: (Ensemble) – Male & Female.  A very STRONG group of dancers and singers. They are the tough kids at the school and perform the shows biggest singing and dancing numbers. Speaking, dancing, and singing parts –may play dual roles.

THE ELEMENTARY KIDS (8): Matilda’s classmates. Various singing, dancing, and speaking roles;

They are:

• Bruce (Featured) – A Matilda's classmate. He is subject to extreme punishment by Miss Trunchbull. Strong singer. 

• Lavender (Featured) – Matilda's classmate and self- proclaimed best friend. Big personality.

• Amanda (Ensemble) – Strong dance and vocal ability.

• Alice (Ensemble) – Strong and Bold. Strong dance and vocal ability

• Hortensia (Ensemble) – Feisty. Strong dance and vocal ability

• Eric (Ensemble) – Small. Strong dance and vocal ability.

• Nigel (Ensemble) – Spoken dialogue. Strong dance ability. Strong vocal ability

• Tommy (Ensemble) – Strong dance and vocal ability.

ENSEMBLE (10 ): Other featured parts with solos & lines. These characters may play numerous roles in the show. Acting, singing, and dance needed for these roles.

They are:

• The Escapologist (Ensemble) – A character in a story Matilda tells to Mrs. Phelps who comes to life in their imagination. Strong singer and dancer. Appears in several numbers. 

• The Acrobat (Ensemble) – A character in a story Matilda tells to Mrs. Phelps who comes to life in their imagination. Strong singer and dancer. 

• Rudolpho (Ensemble) – Mrs. Wormwood's ballroom dance partner. Strong singer & dancer. 

• Doctor (Ensemble) – Mrs. Wormwood's Doctor when she goes into labor with Matilda. An optimistic and naïve persona. 

• Children’s Entertainer (Ensemble) – A party entertainer at the start of the show. Any “Clown tricks” are a plus. 

• Cook, Henchman 1, Henchman 2, Henchman 3, Parents

Announcing the cast of Matilda!

Matilda Wormwood - Victoria Mobley

Miss Agatha Trunchbull - Karter Trujillo

Miss Honey - Aundrea Leaks

Mr. Wormwood - Jayden Moses

Mrs. Wormwood - Madilynn Rieke

Michael Wormwood - Bryson Mitchell

Bruce - Vinson Taylor

Lavender - Nahmya Bejot

Mrs. Phelps - Catie Burk

Escapologist, Rudolpho, Children's Entertainer - Aiden Notabartolo

Doctor, Acrobat, Cook - Surai Carey

Sergei, Parent 3, Big Kid 2 - Brooke Lee

Amanda - Kendall Weitzel

Nigel - Zikyrion Pope

Eric - Tecarus Pope

Alice - Sarah Brooks

Hortensia - Addison Perciful

Tommy - Olivia Mauro

Henchman 1, Parent 1, Big Kid 1 - Emineh Eyo

Henchman 1, Parent 1, Big Kid 3 - Hallee Stokes

Henchman 2, Parent 2, Big Kid 4 - Natonjua Young-Hadley

Henchman 2, Parent 2, Big Kid 5 - Riley Sanders

Henchman 3, Parent 3, Big Kid 6 - Talia Brown

Henchman 3, Parent, Big Kid 7 - Audrey Underwood

Matilda Technical Crew

Yanira Hinojosa - Stage Manager

Rowan MacLauchlin - Props Master

Langston Randall - Lighting Design

Julia Crites - Sound Design

Deunan Baker - Running Crew, Costumes, Set Construction

Makayla Forrester - Running Crew, Costumes, Set Construction

Jasmine Wallace - Running Crew, Costumes, Set Construction

Alizabeth Taylor - Running Crew, Costumes, Set Construction

Saniya Vega - Running Crew, Costumes, Set Construction

Diana Osnaya - Running Crew, Costumes, Set Construction

Jayla Luke - Running Crew, Costumes, Set Construction