Mrs. Shannon Edwards M.A.T.

Virtual 9th Grade Lit & Comp

Virtual Journalism


I am so glad you are here!

My name is Mrs. Edwards, and I look forward to teaching you this year! I have been teaching English for 15 years and have taught all grades from middle school to high school. I love English, and I hope you have a GREAT time in my class as you learn and grow into a better version of yourself.

Classes Taught
9th Grade Lit & Comp (Honors and Regular) Journalism
Edwards Open House Fall 2021.mp4

Thank you so much for stopping by!

I would love to introduce myself a bit more to you. Please check out my welcome video so that we can begin to get to know each other.

I know we are going to have a GREAT time this year in class, and I am so excited to meet you soon!

Check out Your Class Syllabus

9th Grade Literature Course Syllabus.pdf

9th Grade Lit

Honors 9th Grade Literature Course Syllabus.pdf

Hon. 9th Grade Lit

IA Journalism Course Syllabus.pdf

IA Journalism

Any Questions?

Check out this resource to help you on your first day.

Contact Me Here

Google Voice: (678) 783-3174

Get ready for An awesome year!