Mrs. Shannon Edwards M.A.T.

Virtual 9th Grade Lit & Comp

Virtual Journalism


I am so glad you are here!

My name is Mrs. Edwards, and I look forward to teaching you this year! I have been teaching English for 15 years and have taught all grades from middle school to high school. I love English, and I hope you have a GREAT time in my class as you learn and grow into a better version of yourself.

Classes Taught
9th Grade Lit & Comp (Honors and Regular) Journalism
Edwards Open House Fall 2021.mp4

Thank you so much for stopping by!

I would love to introduce myself a bit more to you. Please check out my welcome video so that we can begin to get to know each other.

I know we are going to have a GREAT time this year in class, and I am so excited to meet you soon!

Check out Your Class Syllabus

IA Journalism

IA Journalism Course Syllabus.pdf

Get ready for An awesome year!

Contact Me Here

(678) 783-3174