"Productive struggle produces gains."

Lecture is not the answer.

"Have you ever heard someone say that teachers need to lecture more to students in middle or high school so they are prepared for being lectured to in college? I have and I’m guessing that you have too. While I think that people who say this mean well, I think that this belief is misguided at best. ...I believe we should be thinking of ways to do less lecture at all levels (including college) rather than acclimate students to it. While universities are held in high esteem, many of the professors who work there are primarily interested in research and have little training in education...Is it possible that the best thing we could do to prepare them is actually lecture as little as possible and instead spend more time on discovery, discussions, and active learning? "

-Dr. Robert Kaplisky


Dr. Robert Kaplinsky Speaks at the Math Forum

Examples of Dr. Kaplinsky's Engaging Problem-Based Lesson Challenges

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