Glen Allen Elementary is pleased to announce that we are participating in One School One Book to read Fenway and Hattie!

Participating in a school-wide reading program such as “One School One Book” helps build a community of readers and a sense of belonging within our school. Families reading together help children listen better and longer, build bigger vocabularies, and develop a positive attitude about books and learning. Reading professionals recommend that families read aloud to children even when they are able to read by themselves. When an entire school reads together, it generates excitement about reading and being part of a fun program and community!

Our goal as a school is to focus on the Henrico Learner Profile skills of collaboration, global citizenship, and building quality character!

In a nutshell, this is how the book club works:

Each family will receive 1 copy of Fenway and Hattie and a bookmark with the reading schedule on Monday, January 29th. To make this experience a little more magical, every night families will be asked to read the designated chapter aloud with their child/ren.  If you are unable to read it together, several of the Glen Allen faculty and staff members have recorded themselves reading a different chapter each night.  The following day, students will be asked a trivia question about the previous night’s reading. With the entire school reading the same book, there’s sure to be a buzz of excitement in the building! 

This lovable book introduces a little dog with a GIANT personality! Fenway is an excitable and endlessly energetic Jack Russell terrier. He lives in the city with Food Lady, Fetch Man, and—of course—his beloved short human and best-friend-in-the-world, Hattie. 

Ms. Stoner's third grade class will help us with our daily chapter questions, donation collection, and other Fenway and Hattie activities! Thank you to Ms. Stoner and her students for your involvement!

We extend our gratitude to the GAES staff for not only supplying us with the book's American Sign Language interpretation but also for their overall support. Mrs. Birckhead (D/HH), Ms. Chatnik (D/HH), and Ms. Clements (D/HH) and the many interpreters ~ Thank you!


We look forward to reading together and working on exciting book events throughout the month!

Love Fenway and Hattie?

Check out these other Fenway books to read!