Please label your child's supplies with a permanent marker.

1 bookbag - (labeled w/child's name) (without wheels) 

1 pair of metal scissors (labeled w/child’s name) (student size) 

8 dry erase markers 

24 No. 2 pencils – *sharpened 

2 boxes of crayons (24 count) 

1 pair dollar store type headphones (mini-RCA type) 

12 glue sticks 

1 box of tissues 

2 marble composition notebooks 

2 plastic pocket folders (bottom pockets)

 1 supply box 

1 pink eraser 

1 old adult T-shirt for Art (labeled w/child's name) 

1 box ziplock bags (boys-gallon size, girls-quart size) 

1 pkg. paper plates (any size)