Small Groups

One way to help support our students is through small group work. Throughout the year I will run a variety of small groups & each group focuses on a specific topic relevant to the members. Some group topics may include family changes, new students, friendship groups and transition groups. The groups will be 4 to 6 weeks and will be scheduled during lunch or during non-academic time.

If your child has been referred for a group, you will receive a permission slip for group participation. The permission slip will also indicate the type of group your child was referred to. The groups are never mandatory and it is your choice for your child to participate or not. During our groups we check in with one another, play social skills games or build friendships with peers. Interested in having your child participate in a group? Please complete the permission slip below and return it to me. I look forward to getting to know many students better through our small group work!

Ms. Polito

Lunch Bunch Permission Slips