Week 9

The Imagine Neighborhood|5/9/2020

This week, Scotty and Count Vacula get backstage passes to see Doctor Apocalypso’s band, the Dreadnaughts! Doc loves being onstage, hearing her fans cheer and seeing their flamethrowers. But to Count Vacula, this world is big, loud, and scary. When a bolt of lightning strikes the stage, these two switch bodies and can finally understand how the other person sees the world.

In this episode, we talk about perspective-taking: looking at the world through another person’s eyes. Sometimes it can be hard to understand why someone else would act or feel so differently than you— especially when you’re in the middle of a conflict. But by practicing perspective-taking, you’re building a skill that will help you solve problems respectfully. Just like Doc and Count Vacula did by the end of the concert! In this week’s activities, we’ll practice taking on another person’s point of view with a game we call Switcheroo.

The Imagine Neighborhood Presents Two Music Day Episodes!

Mister Music Man, Lindsay Jones, is back for another Music Day episode! This week, Mister Music Man chats with Scotty about how music can help you take someone else’s point of view. And he’s brought some songs along to help! Plus, Lindsay and Scotty have a new challenge for the listeners. Listen HERE!

------------------------------------------------------------------------Let's explore feelings with music! In every episode of the Imagine Neighborhood, we use music to help us talk about how we’re feeling. Once a week, we’ll be joined by a special guest, Mr. Music Man Lindsay Jones, a Broadway sound designer and composer. He’s created music for movies, plays, TV shows, and documentaries. Sometimes his music is very soft and quiet; other times it’s loud and excited! Together, Scotty and Lindsay will take a deeper dive into music and learn more about how music tells stories and can inspire all kinds of feelings. And each week, Lindsay will give kids a chance to put their own ideas into music. Listen HERE!

The world is in crisis. Keep Calm, Stay Wise & Be Kind.

This Meaningful May Calendar has daily actions for May 2020 to help us respond to this global crisis with a sense of purpose and meaning.

Social Emotional Learning-

We all have experience lots of feelings. Get ready to sing, dance and hear all about your feelings with the Storybots!

The Mindful Schools organization has started an online class for kids to use at home. The classes are about 20 minutes long. Please check out episode 6 by clicking on the picture on the right!


I am Peace - By Susan Verde

vkt-dbbo-rih (2020-05-04 at 13:00 GMT-7)

This week I will be reading I am Peace. When the world feels chaotic, find peace within. Express emotions through direct speech. Find empathy through imagination. Connect with the earth. Wonder at the beauty of the natural world. Breathe, taste, smell, touch, and be present.