Week 8

The Imagine Neighborhood|4/26/2020

Princess Donnasaurus’s birthday is coming up soon, but not soon enough! She wants her birthday party NOW! In fact, she wants one every day, forever. When Scotty runs out of cake ingredients and Vac runs out of battery, Princess Donnasaurus learns that waiting is difficult… but sometimes necessary. She and Scotty discuss how to make waiting easier – and maybe even fun.

In this episode, Princess Donnasaurus learns that it’s difficult to wait, but that there’s just no way around it. She learns about some things she can do to make waiting more fun, like counting the days, thinking about how much fun her party will be, and playing an ama—(wait for it)—zing! game.

Practice waiting with your child. Pretend you’re in line at a store or at school, or waiting until it’s time to get out of bed. Try taking a belly breath to calm down. Then, think of things around you that you can count, or think about things you’ll do once it’s time to get up, or when it’s your turn. You can also play “Wait for the Zing”, and see who can say “Zing!” last, or make up your own ama…zing! version of the game.

The Imagine Neighborhood|5/2/2020

Captain Marion and her band of merry Fire Pirates have a big problem: their eternal feud with Fieryous George the Lava Monster is keeping them from reaching their greatest treasure, cheeseburgers. With a little help from Scotty, the Fire Pirates and Fieryous George learn to stop fighting, calm down, name the problem, listen to each other, and find a solution that works for everyone.

In this episode, we talk about conflicts. Sometimes it feels like the same argument comes up again and again, and there’s only one way to see it—like when Captain Marion says that Fieryous George always blocks the Fire Pirates’ ship on their way to eat cheeseburgers. Scotty helps Captain Marion, the Fire Pirates, and Fieryous George practice some skills to name a problem without blaming and reminds them of how important it is to calm down so you can solve the problem.

For the rest of our season, you can get daily activities that align with each episode from the Imagine Neighborhood. Head over to ImagineNeighborhood.org and check out our Emotional Experiments with Dr. Sherri and our Music Corner with Mr. Music Man Lindsay Jones!

The world is in crisis. Keep Calm, Stay Wise & Be Kind.

This Meaningful May Calendar has daily actions for May 2020 to help us respond to this global crisis with a sense of purpose and meaning.

Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Lesson-

What is Growth Mindset? Why is it important? Growth mindset is the belief that success is based on practice, hard work, and perseverance. People with a growth mindset believe that they can learn and do almost anything with commitment, dedication, and hard work. Children with a growth mindset recognize that even if they don’t have a “talent’ for something, they can always improve with practice.

In the videos below, Mojo discovers a secret about his brain. It is a secret that will change the way he thinks!

The Power of YET!

The Mindful Schools organization has started an online class for kids to use at home. The classes are about 20 minutes long. Please check out episode 5 by clicking on the picture on the right!


The Lemonade Hurricane : A Story of Mindfulness and Meditation - By Licia Morelli

The Lemonade Hurricane

This week I will be reading The Lemonade Hurricane - By Licia Morelli.

Emma doesn't really like hurricanes. After a busy day of school and activities, Emma likes to sit still and rest. Her little brother, Henry, does everything but. She calls him The Lemonade Hurricane.