Week 3

The Imagine Neighborhood|3/29/2020

What happens when it’s time to finish up screen time and switch to something new? Does it ever turn you into a scaly little monster? Scotty and Doctor Apocalypso are about to find out! When Doc’s dad turns into a naughty gremlin, it takes a lot of weird ideas (and some awesome tunes!) to get him to take a deep breath and put down the phone.

This week, Doctor Apocalypso’s dad has so much trouble putting his phone down that he turns into a gremlin! Scotty and Doctor Apocalypso explore coming up with many ideas and choosing the most practical one to solve a problem. They practice saying, “Pause, breathe, finish up” when it’s time to finish an activity or put down a device.

Think with your child about a problem they might encounter. List lots of ideas to solve the problem – the sillier the better! Then discuss which idea makes the most sense to each of you.Practice saying, “Pause, breathe, finish up” together in kooky voices. Then, practice finishing up an activity, putting down a device, or leaving a place like school or the playground. Your child can also role-play as the adult, asking you to pause, breathe, and finish up what you’re doing.This episode was produced in partnership with Common Sense Media and their easy-to-use digital literacy curriculum. Click here to check it out!

This week's songs:

You are Smart


Mind Yeti

Mind Yeti Challenge:

Some studies have shown that having a mindfulness practice can help children:

  • Strengthen self-control. ...
  • Lower anxiety and stress. ...
  • Increase positive moods. ...
  • Better decision making. ...
  • Improve Emotional Regulation Skills. ...

Mind Yeti is a fun introduction for children to a mindfulness practice. Can you challenge yourself to one mindful activity per day this week? See if you notice how this makes you feel.

Distance Learning & Internet Safety Resources

As our distance learning progresses, students will have more access to technology and the internet. The following are resources that can help parents as they monitor their children's online activity.

  1. Common Sense Media
  2. Internet Safety 101
  3. Department of Justice
  4. Metro Parent- Apps to beware of
  5. 15 Apps Parents Should Know About

This Active Coping Calendar has daily actions for April 2020 to help us look after ourselves and each other as we face this global crisis together.