Week 1

Please utilize the following resources to support you & your family.

Talking to your children about COVID-19:


Just For Kids: A Comic Exploring The New Coronavirus


Cartoon Network PSA for Staying Healthy



At school we use GoNoodle Flow to decompress, reduce stress & focus. During this time of transition please try out some of our favorite activities & videos. They can be fun to do together with your children!

GoNoodle Weather The Storm

GoNoodle Melting

The Imagine Neighborhood: This new podcast for families is designed to help children and grown-ups practice their social-emotional skills. Each episode tells a story that’s amazing, fantastical, and maybe a little bananas, while it tackles the big feelings that come with growing up. (Committee for Children https://www.cfchildren.org/)

How do you feel when you’re scared? Does your heart pound? Does your tummy feel tight? Today, Count Vacula feels a tiny bit scared. But with some help from Scotty, plus a couple of heart-pounding songs, Vac (and you!) will learn to talk about how being scared feels in your body.

Getting excited can feel great! And cake is SUPER exciting. But how excited is TOO excited? This week, the neighborhood’s grown-ups make a cake mistake so exciting that they run wild! Only Scotty’s pal Doctor Apocalypso can save the grown-ups from themselves (and the dump) by helping them calm down.

In this episode, we talk about feeling excited and calming down. Scotty and Doctor Apocalypso discuss what it feels like to be super-duper excited, and why it’s important to learn to calm down so that you can pay attention. And when the neighborhood grown-ups get stuck in the garbage, Doctor Apocalypso helps them escape by teaching them to calm down using belly breaths.