Local Data
Community Readiness Survey Results
During Spring 2020, Helping Services for Youth & Families used the Tri-Ethnic Readiness Model to determine the community's readiness to address priority issues related to problem gambling, prescription drug misuse, youth marijuana use, youth tobacco use, and adult binge drinking.
Thirty phone surveys were conducted for each priority area and include a wide variety of sectors across the community. The Denial/Resistance stage means that individuals believe this issue is not a concern in their community or they think it can't or shouldn't be addressed. In this stage, community members have misconceptions or incorrect knowledge about current efforts.
The No Awareness stage means that the community does not recognize this as a problem, and the Preplanning stage means some community members have heard of efforts but know little about them. In the Preplanning stage, leadership and community members acknowledge this issue is a concern.
More awareness of these substance use issues needs to be raised among community members in Allamakee County. By bringing more attention to these issues, we can work together to change the social norms in our county and reduce substance abuse!