
There were fun events planned for the students, as well.

  • The "Last Supper" - A German themed meal on January 28 in Hoernemann
  • BERGO game - a specially designed game of BINGO, during the lunch hour the day of the name change
  • Historical Characters- A handful of faculty dressed up as figures from Heidelberg's past. Current students may remember Dr. Reyer and Dr. Kimmel, who dressed up as Henry Leonard and John A. Peters respectively. Peters was the president of Heidelberg after Williard, and you can learn more about Williard by clicking the button below.

"It was a big deal,"

Dr. Berg said of the 2009 name change.

The entire Heidelberg community celebrated this name change in a variety of fun and quirky ways.

The official ceremony took place on January 29, 2009 and in general celebrated Heidelberg's history.

Dr. Hogan took some time to explain the historical background of Heidelberg, mentioning the 1890 name change in his speech.

"The school is a university probably for a better reason now than it was earlier."

- Dr. Hogan, quoted by the Advertiser Tribune

The archives also presented a display, looking at Heidelberg decade by decade, under Dr. and Mrs. Berg.

The name change was not the only change to take place in 2009.

We celebrated our 50 year anniversary of the American Junior Year program with Heidelberg University, Germany.

We got a new president.

Current president Dr. Huntington was brought into the Heidelberg community just as the name change process was happening.

The Aurora, 2009 edition

We got a new mascot and costume.

This new mascot partially goes along with the new marketing campaign, but was also for the students of Heidelberg. This mascot lasted almost ten years, being replaced at the end of football season in 2018.

Laird Hall was renovated and became Adams Hall.

The new Adams Hall became the site of business and accounting classes that it is today.

Want to learn more about how the name changes went along with historical buildings? Look at the history of the Museum-Gymnasium and the breaking ground of France Hall and Campus Center in 1926!

The 2009 name change and its related changes set up the university to grow into what it is today.