Ms. Auger Music Room

What music is all about

Welcome to the Music Room with Ms. Auger.  This will be my 24th year as the music teacher at Bell Manor.  We will sing, dance, conduct, and learn to read music notation and notes on a music staff.  We will play a variety of Orff instruments, including xylophones, metallophones, and glockenspiels along with various non-pitched percussion instruments.  4th-6th grade students will play the recorder, and 5th and 6th will play the ukulele.  We will listen to music from around the world and focus on a different composer each 6 weeks. Here you will find important information about performance dates, each unit of study, including padlets that you may visit to listen to music and watch videos from home.  These padlets will also contain pictures and videos of class performance that you may view at home to see what your child is learning in music each 6 weeks.  

Music Mission

We will become better singers, actors, conductors, composers, musicians, choreographers, dancers, and play instruments including the piano, recorders, drums, xylophones, and other percussion instruments.  We will become better thinkers, teammates, leaders and artists by listening, following directions the first time, and by having good self-control.

Strategic Goal

All students will perform and read rhythms per grade level at a level 3 or higher by the end of the year, as measured by the music rubric 

"Finding Nemo" 6th grade fall musical

"The Nutcracker" 4th and 5th grade holiday performance

Recorders for 4th, 5th and 6th grade students

All 4th, 5th and 6th grade students will need to purchase a recorder for music class, if you have not already.  You can bring $5 cash to the office to purchase.  You may use your recorder from last year or one from an older brother or sister. 

Past Shows

"Rip-roaring Dinosaurs" 2nd and 3rd grade 2023-2024

The Lion King 6th grade 223-2024

"Color Songs" 1st grade, kindergarten, pre-k and ECSE 223-224