Offline promotion

Even though your foster cat has to stay at home, there are still plenty of ways to get them out into the world that doesn't involve the internet! All is requires is a little extra creativity and the willingness to chat to people about your cat. At a social event where you don't know many people? Talk about your foster cat! Bored at a family function? Talk about your foster cat! Waiting for a bus/train/plane or in an Uber/Lyft and forced to make small talk? Talk big about your foster cat! If possible, have a few photos available, as well as info on how they can get in touch with Heaven on Earth (see "business cards" for one idea on how to do this effectively).

Here are just a few additional ideas for how to promote your foster cat IRL (in real life).

Involving your community


Flyers and business cards


Get creative

Your imagination is the only limitation when promoting your foster cat for adoption. Here are just a few out-of-the-box ideas to get you thinking!

Host a "Cat Shower" - invite your friends and family over to meet your foster cat! This is especially great for kittens or confident cats. If you're not sure your foster cat will enjoy larger crowds, set them up in one room with everything they need and allow only a couple visitors in at a time. Play cat-themed games, serve cat-themed drinks and snacks, and encourage party-goers to take photos, video and post them online. Party favors should include information on how they can adopt or become fosters themselves!

Ask Me About My Foster Cat - create buttons, t-shirts or other wearable items that will showcase your foster cat when you're out-and-about in the world. These can be generic (so you can use over and over for each foster cat you have), or specific to your current foster cat. Make sure you have adoption info on hand, too!