[ Tips and Tricks ]

Do you need access to Microsoft Office for your student? Reach out to helpdesk@heartlandcharterschool.com with your student email and they can help you get logged in.

Want to track Amazon Punchout orders? - Check your students Heartland email, all order and tracking information is sent to that account.

When you place orders, if you include a short description of your order in the "Order Description" - it will help you find specific orders when you go back through your account.

How do you teach kids who have a difficult time sitting still? - "Go outside and sit on the patio. Outside air and sunshine always help. " - Shelby, homeschool momma to 3.

Trying to keep the stress level down? "I found programs for my children to do on different days, so they each get one on one time with me and a break from each other." - 5 year homeschool veteran.

A long time homeschooler of 4 says - "Make time for fun. You know your kids best so focus on their heart and how you want to mold it. "

"YouTube - if you need it, it is on YouTube!" - a homeschool momma of 2

"On days when stress is high we may shorten assignments or find a different way to teach the concepts like making pizza to learn about fractions. Creativity goes a LONG way in keeping stress at bay." - Colleen, 5th year homeschooler

Wondering if a certain vendor in your area accepts certificates? - Check Vendor Contacts listed by Counties.

Making a goal to turn in your students' work samples at the beginning of the LP will allow you to check something important off your to-do list and provide time for any corrections that might be needed.

Print out the I Can Statements and cross off items that have been mastered by your students. Do them in any order that you like, but you will have a visual of the progress your students are making and know what holes might need to be addressed.