Special Education

Transition Iowa

Transition resources, planning, and events to support transition for students with special needs.

Iowa Secondary Transition  Learning Community 

ISTLC provides transition resources across the state of Iowa.

Family Educator Partnership

The Family & Educator Partnership (FEP) works to develop and sustain partnerships between families, educators and community providers to promote success for all children and youth with disabilities. 

Future Ready Transition Action Plan

Future Ready Essential Elements Action Plan (print version)

Future Ready Essential Elements Action Plan (digital version)

The purpose of this document is to begin planning through College and Career Ready competencies prior to writing or updating an IEP. This tool will help IEP teams plan for transitioning a student into postsecondary learning and/or a career and life beyond high school. 

The ASK Resource Center provides several parent training, informational, and advocacy transition resources including several webinars by experts around the state on various topics to support families and educators.

The Department of Education Transition website provides legal guidance, requirements, and reports.  Additional Resources can be found for 4+ services, age of majority, WIOA, and guiding Practices.

STRIVE and STRIVE Academy are 4+ programs located at DMACC and provide educational programming in partnership with school districts, parents, and students for students ages 18-21 with transition needs and an IEP.