
Dec 9-13

We continue to be busy within the classroom enjoying all their is to do this holiday season. In math we are learning about how to use our addition and subtraction skills to solve math problems around holiday shopping. We have been problem solving how much money we need to buy certain things and also learning how much change we should get back. The students also helped me solve how much I would be saving if I bought a toy before a sale was over. While we talk a lot about toys we also spend so much time thinking about the how we can give to others less fortunate and show our appreciation for others during the holiday season. Our class and school have done a wonderful job helping others during this time of year by donating pajamas, socks and toys! Thank you to all the families who helped make this such a success!

We really enjoyed going to the holiday concert and watching our friends perform! We hope you were able to join on Thursday night and watch this magical event. As a class we really applauded the kids who were in the choir when they got back to class as they did a great job!

We have been loving the packages that come from Scott. So far we have heard about what the holidays are like in Mexico, Uganda , Isreal and Sweden. In the packages we have enjoyed warm hot chocolate together, crafts and learning how to play the game dreidel.

Last week we had our science fair and one groups experiment never turned out. I asked another student in the class to learn how to do it from his brother who actually chose the same experiment a few years ago. This was so successful as he came back to school wit the materials and showed his peers how to do the experiment. The kids minds were blown when they saw how it worked. Thank you so much Dilan for sharing!!!

As we get ready to share our "PIE" stories we have started learning about how books are organized. We have read different children's books and are inspired to write our own for the younger audience of the school - our Kindergarten friends! We know sometimes books are organized by top 10, would you rather?, who would win, letters, numbers, opposites and our class favorite is when one thing leads to another in books like "If you give a mouse a muffin". Since this is also a class favourite from Ms Jensens we joined her class and watched the short film of "If you give a mouse a Christmas cookie". The kids loved it and loved predicting what was going to happen next. We have also been talking about making connections in reading- try to encourage your child to make connections when reading books at home. I will be sending home homework over the holidays for you to see how connections are made when reading- text to self, text to text and text to world.

We look forward to the week ahead before the holidays that we can send time together and have fun at this special time of year!

Dec 2-6

THANK YOU TO ALL FAMILIES! We could not have done the science fair without your help. The kids were eager to show their experiments! We had so much fun visiting the different activities around the class and learned so much about cool stuff we can do with solids, liquids and gases. It was a great way to end the unit! We will be retesting some of the experiments this week.

In literacy this week the students explored in readers workshop how fictions books are organized in different ways- colours, numbers, top 10, unfortunate/fortunate. It is great to highlight how books are written to see patterns in books to help develop young writers.

We also had lots of fun in social studies this week when getting our first package from Globe Trott Scott! The package came from Mexico and contained a beautiful Poinsettia. We learned about the legend of the flower and its significance during the holiday season. We also had a great conversation about the different celebrations that the students celebrate over the winter season. Reflecting on our favourite parts of the holiday are fun to share with others. It went home in the Friday folders for families to understand the value of traditions in the household and remember to make time for those kids favourites during this fun time of year! :) Read your favourite books, watch your favourite movies and make your favourite food.

In art the students learned about different types of lines and warmed up by making a beautiful picture of a hot chocolate drink. They turned out great!

With the sickness that has been going around we have been learning about hygiene and also medication safety. This also led us to other discussions about safety at this time of year like playing with snow outside at recess or staying off the ice.

We look forward to our holiday concert this Thursday in the school and a fun week ahead!