Venus Fly Trap

Venus fly trap

A Venus fly trap is a plant that can eat flies and many more. The bugs that it eats are caught in the trap and then the leaf with the insect slowly dies and returns into the ground. The insect’s deceased body is dragged into the ground and the nutrients nurture the plant and help it thrive. The leaf oozes a sticky substance that attracts flies and other insects. When an insect crawls between the two halves of a leaf, the hairs detect its presence. In less than a second, the leaf snaps shut and the long spikes lock together. Once the insect is trapped, the leaf releases enzymes, or digestive saliva. Now you may be wondering what specific insects the plant eat? The truth is the Venus fly trap doesn’t just eat insects, 

It eats pretty much anything that can fit in the trap. The Venus fly traps diet ranges from insects to arachnids, small lizards and maybe even tiny mammals if the size fits. a Venus fly trap can live up to 20 years. it can also grow up to 1.5 inches. 

Venus flytraps are also only native to south and north Carolina.

While Venus flytraps have been planted and naturalized in other areas, they only occur naturally within a 75-mile radius around Wilmington, North Carolina. This area is primarily in North Carolina, but it also includes a few South Carolina counties.