Space Tomatoes

Our Class Space Tomatoes

Have you heard of space tomatoes? We will tell you all about it! While reading about space tomatoes on ‘Let's Talk Science’ we learned that tomato sphere was made on August 29th. NASA astronaut Megan MacArthur with the ISS posing with the Tomato sphere.

Damjan’s Thoughts on Space Tomatoes: are class got tomatoes that were in space. How we got the tomatoes from space will are teacher found a website and thought it would be a good idea to get the tomatoes. When we got the tomatoes we planted them. and after we planted them we also watered it and put it at the window so it can get sunlight. A few weeks later they started to grow. were two different boxes one was v and the other one was w and we didn’t know which one had the space tomatoes and which one had the earth tomatoes.

Luke wonders why not find a cheaper source to get the seeds in space? For example, Mark Rober was able to get an egg into space for much less and easily with less resources. 

I also wonder what the whole purpose of sending the tomato seeds into space was, also what is the possible benefit? 

Could these space tomatoes be given stronger resistance to diseases or insects and such or is it that they have improved growth or nurturement through or from the plant?