Defined here as tools to help the teacher manage classroom learning.

Teacher Tools

Google Cast For Education - Connect the teacher's laptop to a projector and launch Google Cast. Promo

We use it to share screens. Allows students to see the visual examples of others. Great for when you are going through a process (like activating a new account) and students are a different stages. You can have various people cast so everyone in the room can see the process as it unfolds. See it in action

Symbaloo - a way to bookmark all your favourite sites using a visual dashboard. Symbaloo boards can be shared with others too!

DotStorming - Real time voting with the option of having students write their thinking as well. We use it to get personal interpretations of concepts we're discussing, without students influencing each other.

Students vote and explain their thinking. You control the content and the number of votes.

Managing Assessment? - Use a capture tool to record students as they interact with your unique activities. This example uses a Minecraft world to have students go on a scavenger hunt and locate vowel combinations for decoding practice. Sceen Cast O Matic is a free screen capturing tool that allows the student to be recorded in conjunction with the screen. View the video later for assessment purposes.

See it in action

If you just need the screen view (no student face) Screencastify is a great option. Example "How To Do A Safe Image Search"

Screencastify is available in the Chrome Webstore.

Live Lesson Plans - ever feel like your students find your key words, gestures and explanations essential and sometimes have difficulties when you're not there. Well "live lesson plans" can be created using a Google Doc and private Youtube recordings.

Sometimes the things we think are small (like an end of day routine) are essential for our students. (I know embarrassing for us - but we'll save aspirations for the Oscar's for next year :)

Click the coloured links on the plan. See it in action

Managing Homework

See It In Action

Virtual Field Trips Made Easy Thanks To Websites Like this Learn Around The World

Kara Wilkins shared this amazing spreadsheets of speakers and virtual field trips Kara Wilkins' work

Get experts "live" in your classroom from sites like this Partners In Research

"Exploring by the seat of your pants" Website

Have a beloved program you can no longer access? Lost an app? Here is a fabulous website that helps you find alternatives to old favourites. Take Me There!

Searching a pdf - Ctrl F will save you time!

See it in action!

Flipgrid - Free online tool. Can be used on a computer or ipad/phone. Instagram style responses, seen by those who hold the access code. Allows you to post a question and anyone with the code can post a video of their response. Allows you to collaborate well beyond the classroom walls.

Take advantage of the "Breakout Edu" concepts. Create interactive maps and google forms to heighten interest before beginning a student inquiry. See How

Try delivering a lesson using the tools you'd like students to use. Instead of pencil paper math word problems, I coded my problem into Scratch. I then shared this fabulous "How To" by Jennifer Judkins and students made their own word problems for one another to solve. Math and coding. A win, win!

See it in Action Jennifer Judkins's "How To"