Tools that help the student navigate the needs of the day.

Student Tools

Read And Write For Chrome - Available in the Chrome Webstore

Reads aloud documents found on the web or in your drive. Has a word prediction tool, dictionary and visual dictionary. Allows for speech to text typing and voice notes. Works in French too! Essential for some, beneficial for all.

ReWordify Website

Helps rephrase so students understand what they read. Improves comprehension and vocabulary.

Students can have the word read aloud in order to work on pronunciation. Allows you to save words, create quizzes and flashcards.

Student advocacy cards with QR codes. (credit given to Julia Osborne for original advocacy card template). When scanned, see a movie of the student calm and demonstrating routine behaviour. This gives a great baseline for when you see something you think is "off". The other side of the card gives strategies.

Last Pass - an extension that holds passwords for various sites. It cuts login time in half and allows students to login without having to reference memory cards. See it in action

Enable "Ok Google" - Let's you search on Google using your voice

See it in action

School Clock - Tells students the current time and what class period they are in.

(you customize it of course - time, period, colour of display etc.)

Mercury Reader - available in the chrome webstore. This extension "cleans up" pages from adds or distractions. Leaves the student with just a clean sheet of text which is easily read by things like "Read and Write".

Livescribe Pen - a pen that captures audio connected to what was printed at the time. Notes taken with the pen can be uploaded to your computer. Allows students to access prerecorded content (like test questions read aloud) or record their own responses (like explain your thinking). Be sure to check out our interactive vocabulary wall in the language section as well.

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For kids eyes only :)

Cool Text - A website that allows you to make fancy fonts for your writing. Adds some pizzazz to your work.

Cool Text

Did you know Google offers well over 800 fonts? If you want to see them, check them out here fonts

So the next time you are in a Google Doc and want a special font, find the name of your choice using this website, then click on the fonts in the document, scroll to the bottom for "more fonts" and search up your choice.

Snapverter - available in the Chrome Webstore. Makes texts accessible for Read & Write. You can take a photograph of text and have it "Snapvertered" so it becomes an accessible pdf. Extremely helpful for anything shared via scan / photocopier.

Office Lens - app Let's you take a picture of text and have it read to you using Immersive Reader