7E English Language Arts

It is essential that all students in class have an appropriate novel or graphic novel that they are currently reading. Students will be required to complete work related to the novel they are currently reading. More details to follow.

Hello All,

The next creative writing task is a chance encounter with the character they have created using an organizer (Character Creator Organizer). More details about the task is located in the 7E Google Drive. The rough draft is due Tuesday October 1st, at that juncture they will complete a peer edit with a member of the class they feel comfortable with. The final draft will not be due until after the Camp Trip (Date of final copy TBA).

Writing Task #2

Students of 7E have a Summer Memoir due Wednesday September 18th. The assignment sheet and the organizer was shared with students in google docs. Please ask your child to show you the class folder and the documents and assignments found therein.

I request that all formal written tasks be in minimum 14 font, double spaced, edited and then printed off . Frankly, it is difficult to read dense writing tasks on a computer for too long. I much prefer a physical copy that I can mark, provide feedback and store in the students writing portfolio. The journal should be a minimum of 400 words (likely longer).