
Specialist High Skills Major


SHSM ... What is Specialist High Skills Major?

A program which allows students to select a package of high school courses and target specific post-secondary, university, college, workplace, community or apprenticeship destinations in the transportation sector. Students in a SHSM earn credits similar to that of other classroom students but have the extra focus put on their transportation career path through contextualized learning activities (CLAs). Their SHSM/OSSD (diploma) upon graduation has a red seal embossed on it (shown above) giving acknowledgement of completion of all credits required for OSSD and of the extra work, focus, or effort a student has exemplified during the SHSM program. Furthermore, many universities and colleges may acknowledged this red seal which aids the student intake process or scholarship delivery.

There are 3 ways to SIGN UP or get more information regarding the SHSM program at Georgetown DHS with Mr. Jarvie...

Sign up through myBlueprint

Instruction here

NOTE: all students will require an interview to join SHSM

My Blueprint will send out a student interest to teacher email. Please pay attension to any emails the teacher may send you afterwwards.

1) remind Software:

Students can quickly get added to a list of interested students by clicking the link below with a smart phone or sending a text message which also places you on the interested list . https://www.remind.com/join/jarvie-1s

or send a text message:

@jarvie-1s to 705-302-1038

Use this selection if you have a few questions about SHSM. This does not mean you are going to be enrolled in. You can add yourself to this list as early as grade 9, hopefully no later that grade 12.

Note: remind is a school safe texting software.

1a) Google Hangouts Chat:

Students can quickly get added to a list of interested students by clicking the link below with a smart phone or sending a text message which also places you on the interested list .

2) SHSM Calendar:

Click calendar below and select an available appointment slot to discuss your interests in the SHSM with Mr. Jarvie in Georgetown. Use this link when you have gathered enough information and now want to sit down for the SHSM interview

Some of you may have had an email sent to you to follow up on the shsm program. The form below lets you ask a question about the program to Mr. Jarvie and, or gets things moving forward from the interested to next steps. Open form below.