Co-op Student of the Week

Co-op Students of the Week

To see what else the Co-op Crew has been up to, please follow us on Instagram @GWSSCoop

Week of June 24, 2024

Student:  Chris Deyell, Grade 12

Placement:  JML Electric Inc.

My main tasks/responsibilities as a Labourer are:

The most important skills I have learned surround safety and guidelines you must follow while on the job. This includes all of the precautionary PPE you must wear like steel toe boots, jeans / work pants, hardhats, gloves, safety glasses and more. I have learned the importance of double and triple checking that the power is turned off each and every time you're working with electricity to ensure you'll be safe and won't get hurt. I have learned how to properly operate power tools and other dangerous tools to lower the risk of getting hurt. I have learned the precautions of working in trenches and how to evacuate and escape if need be and also how to check if a trench is safe to work in. I have also learned how to safely work around heavy machinery and to make all of the journeyman and other JML Electric employees' lives easier.

These last two semesters at JML Electric have set in stone my decision that i want to pursue being an electrician in the future. It gave me a taste of the daily life, tasks and routine of a journeyman electrician and i feel more comfortable committing to that from here on out.

Week of June 24, 2024

Student:  William Fritz, Grade 11

Placement:  Firehall Restaurant

Participating in the Garth Webb student co-op program through a local restaurant (Firehall Restaurant) was an amazing experience for me. From the first day, I was welcomed into a very fast-paced kitchen where I got to see how a real restaurant kitchen runs. I started with basic tasks like prepping vegetables, preparing sauces but as I proved my skills and learned more, I got to help with more complex dishes and even assisted the Chef during busy lunch hour shifts. It was great to see customers enjoy meals I had helped in creating. The chefs and staff were incredibly supportive, always taking the time to teach me new techniques and share their enthusiasm for cooking.

Beyond the kitchen, I learned a lot of other skills beyond cooking skills. I was given a glimpse of how a restaurant operates as a business,which was amazing because at some point, I also want to run my own restaurant.  I also spent time preparing different foods on the line, reading orders, and understanding the importance of customer service. This experience taught me about teamwork, time management, and the importance of attention to detail. The co-op program has not only boosted my confidence in the kitchen but also helped me develop valuable skills that I can use in any job. This experience has only heightened my interest in pursuing a career in the culinary arts, and I am grateful for this opportunity.

Week of June 24, 2024

Student:  Lydia Kwag, Grade 11

Placement:  Kane Law Professional Corporation

Throughout my Co-op placement at Kane Law, I gained valuable experience as a legal assistant, where I handled a variety of responsibilities. These included clerical duties such as answering phone calls, corresponding with clients and other parties via email, labeling, scanning documents, and creating physical and digital files. The majority of the time, I assisted in drafting and preparing various documents, such as client letters and court forms. Under supervision, I also assisted with the preparation of wills and powers of attorney. 

My Co-op experience has provided me with valuable insights into navigating a professional workplace and acquiring associated skills. By enhancing my initiative, I had the opportunity to explore new responsibilities, complete tasks effectively, and engage regularly with my supervisor. I have honed my communication skills, both oral and written, through interacting with clients and consistently practicing professional writing through drafting documents. Moreover, I have developed valuable office skills, including operating scanners and photocopiers and gaining proficiency in Microsoft Word. Handling phone calls has been particularly valuable. Despite its routine nature, it has significantly boosted my confidence in a skill that was previously unfamiliar to me. 

Participating in Co-op has allowed me to meet and learn from a variety of new people. This hands-on experience has allowed me to gain direct exposure to a potential career path and has equipped me with practical skills transferable beyond this semester. I have learned from a professional in the legal field, and my experience has built up my interest in pursuing further education and a career in law. I am definitely more motivated to pursue post-secondary studies geared toward my goal of becoming a lawyer!

Week of June 24, 2024

Student:  Claire Middleton, Grade 11

Placement:  Palermo Public School (Grade 2/3 French Immersion classroom)

At my co-op placement, I often work directly with the students in many different ways. The students complete many worksheets in both French and Math so I often go over students’ worksheets with them to help improve their comprehension, and float around the classroom to help any students who need it. Sometimes I have responsibilities where I need to evaluate the comprehension of students and help them to improve. For example, I read with students one-on-one and figure out what they are struggling with (ex. pronunciation, understanding the story, etc.). I also evaluate and record (for their teacher’s use) each student's ability to pronounce French letters with accents, and other similar French concepts.

I also often have “housekeeping” tasks such as recording which students have returned their Home-Reading and Learning Skills, and switching out their Home Reading books at their appropriate reading level. My other tasks that don’t involve the students directly include photocopying worksheets, marking students’ work, and sorting their work into their folders. 

One way that I can be creative at my placement is by planning and leading my own activities for the students. For example, I planned a crossword puzzle with spring vocabulary, and combined the directions “North, East, South, West” into the activity, since they were learning directions at the time. 

I have learned the importance of taking initiative at my placement because often there are ways for me to help out that my supervisor (the teacher) may not have realized. For example, sometimes my supervisor is leading an activity or a game that I think would really enhance my learning if I took the lead, and so I learned to take the initiative to ask. You never know the opportunities that speaking up can give you until you do it! Another skill I have learned which can also be applied to any job is to make it a habit to ask questions! This ensures that your day on the job runs smoothly and efficiently for both you and your supervisor. 

Before doing my elementary school placement I was sort of on the fence about whether or not I wanted to become a teacher, and although I have immensely enjoyed my time at my placement, and getting to know the students and staff, I don’t see myself pursuing this. I benefited from co-op in this way because it has helped me to eliminate a potential future career and narrow down my pathways! It has also helped me to develop skills that can be applied to any career, as well as every-day life. Finally, it was generally a very fun experience that I don’t regret. 

Week of June 24, 2024

Student:  Malak Seifelnasr, Grade 11

Placement:  Shoppers Drug Mart Pharmacy

In my role as a pharmacy assistant, my main tasks and responsibilities encompass various aspects of customer service, prescription management, answering phone calls, and medication handling. I support pharmacists and assist customers with their needs. A typical day involves rotating between stations, like pick-ups and drop-offs, where I help customers find medications and process prescriptions. I also assist with filling prescriptions and provide customer service by answering questions and finding over-the-counter medications. When customers pick up their prescriptions, I verify their identity, locate their prescription, process payments, and address any insurance issues. During drop-off, I collect prescriptions, verify validity, gather necessary information, and provide instructions on prescription preparation and wait times. In the filling process, I ensure accuracy in medication details, counting and labeling. 

One of the most important skills I've learned during my co-op placement at the pharmacy is effective customer service and collaboration with my team. Being able to greet customers, answer their questions, and assist them in finding the products they need. Additionally, I've developed strong communication skills, both with customers and with my co-workers. Collaborating with the pharmacy team has taught me the importance of teamwork in providing exceptional care to our customers. Whether it's assisting a customer with their prescription or resolving an issue, working together with my team has been essential in ensuring that we meet the needs of our customers efficiently and effectively. This experience has not only improved my customer service skills but has also reinforced the value of teamwork in achieving common goals within a healthcare setting. 

My co-op experience has been rewarding in helping me make decisions about my future educational and career pathways. By gaining hands-on experience in a pharmacy setting, I have been able to explore my interest in the healthcare field and gain insights into the various roles and responsibilities within it. This experience has influenced my decision-making process regarding potential academic programs (CAP program, undergraduate pharmacology) and career paths in healthcare. Additionally, the networking opportunities and mentorship received during my co-op placement have provided valuable guidance and support as I navigate my post-secondary options and plan for my future career aspirations.

Week of June 24, 2024

Student:  Callum Wheway, Grade 12

Placement:  Mercedes-Benz Oakville

In my role as an Apprentice through my Co-op, I was involved in a variety of tasks and responsibilities that provided me with a comprehensive understanding of the automotive industry.

My main tasks included:

Throughout my Co-op, I gained key skills that are vital in the automotive industry such as:

The co-op experience at Mercedes-Benz has been instrumental in shaping my future career decisions and educational plans. Here's how:

Overall, my co-op experience at Mercedes-Benz has been a pivotal step in my career journey, providing me with invaluable skills and insights that will guide my future educational and professional endeavors.

I am pleased that I have been offered my Apprenticeship after I graduate and I’m excited to grab this opportunity with both hands and make it a success!

Week of June 3, 2024

Student: Joo-Eun Lee, Grade 11 

Placement: Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital 

During my OTMH co-op, I was in physiotherapy and diagnostic imaging. During my physiotherapy placement, my responsibilities included calling in patients, sanitizing patient beds, completing patient filing, shadowing assessment appointments, and assisting patients with their exercises in the gym. As for diagnostic imaging, I rotated between 6 departments: MRI, CT, X-Ray, nuclear medicine, ultrasound, and clerical. Majority of my tasks were from my clerical position such as printing and organizing patient requisitions and protocols and faxing appointments. For other departments, I am mostly observing their operations and conversing with staff about equipment, process, or their experiences.

I have learned that taking initiative is a crucial skill to have within such a faced paced environment. Majority of the time, many staff members are very busy, so I found that I have to make opportunities for myself by consistently asking questions and creating conversation first. Although it may be overlooked, I realize I may have missed out on many experiences and knowledge if I simply had not asked. Moreover, having a strong work efficiency is something I had to build. I found that at times I was overwhelmed when given a large amount of tasks so being able to organize them by priority and manage my time all factor into efficiency. 

Co-op has shown me the realities of healthcare and how broad the industry is. I believe it has helped narrow down which areas I do not want to pursue and what qualities of certain departments I am looking for in my future pathway. For example, I hope to follow a career that has a lot of patient interaction like physiotherapy and is not as fast paced similar to nuclear medicine testing. It does confirm that I would like to go into healthcare in the future.

To see what else the Co-op Crew has been up to, please follow us on Instagram @GWSSCoop

Week of May 13, 2024

Student: Jassie Pannu, Grade 11

Placement: Spadafora & Murphy LLP

I am a front desk administrator meaning my tasks can change depending on the day, but mainly consist of creating files, answering phone calls, communicating with our clients and other law firms, emailing client reports, organizing files, ensuring calendar dates are met, and keeping track of client pickups. Overall, providing additional help whenever it is needed.

My biggest goal was to learn new skills to the point where I could apply them after grade 12. The skills I have learnt are unforgettable and can be used on a daily basis. I work with amazing people and they have made collaboration, communication, honesty  and social skills a priority.

Since grade 3, I knew I wanted to be a lawyer. Every decision I have made since then has been decided based on that dream of mine. The biggest advantage I wanted was to be able to build up my interest in law throughout these years of highschool. I have a Law club running and when given the chance to do a Co-op version, it was an immediate yes. I knew I would be able to work in a law firm and immerse myself into the workplace everyday.

Week of May 6, 2024

Student: Julia Varricchio, Grade 12 

Placement: InSalon

My main tasks and responsibilities include doing laundry, washing hair, sweeping hair, ripping and folding foils, greeting/setting up clients, and washing the bowls of bleach and hair dye.

The most important skill I have learned so far is learning how to give a proper hair wash and massage to clients. It took me a bit of time to figure out what techniques work best for me but once I got the hang of it, it is something I really enjoy doing.

Co-op has helped me decide for sure that I want to be a hairstylist when I’m older. I used to be a bit scared that maybe I would change my mind and change career paths but doing co-op at the salon has shown me that I definitely want to pursue a career in hairstyling, and that it actually looks even better and more fun than I thought before.

Week of April 29, 2024

Student: Hannah Briedenhann, Grade 12

Placement: Adults In Motion Oakville

My main responsibilities at AIM are to help prep for the day like print out worksheets, clean and organize. I also help support staff in activities or work one on one with participants. Furthermore, I have created one of a kind activities and lead workshops. 

I’ve learnt how the crucial roles that communication, organization and teamwork play in an environment such as AIM. Because we are always on the move and jumping from task to task it’s important that we talk before our day starts to set clear expectations for everyone, and it’s important that things are in it’s right place so it is easily accessible. 

Originally I was taking a gap year once I graduated to work and get a better understanding of what I wanted to do with my life but with this co-op I’ve changed my pathway. While being at AIM I realized that I loved working in that type of atmosphere and I wanted to do something like that so I decided to apply to Sheridans Social Worker Program as a foundation degree to start off my educational journey to be able to work with people with disabilities. 

Week of April 22, 2024

Student: Rotaj Amer, Grade 12 

Placement: Unique Alterations

For my placement I usually stay 3 hours. I use an hour and a half of my time helping my supervisor with customer orders. This task includes hemming pants, repairing zippers, patching and many other things. During the rest of my time I practice on my skills and work on little mini projects.

Most of the sewing I already knew beforehand but I got to work on having a more stable hand which I needed. Practicing my sewing every day has helped me become more time efficient. Every day I'm trying something new and I'm slowly getting better at my sewing skills.

In the future I hope to work in the fashion industry. I need to understand all the different fabrics and how to work with those fabrics so it's very beneficial to understand this. As I'm doing co-op in an alteration shop I have the privilege of being able to freely play around with many fabric scraps. Having this has helped me explore and create new things!

Week of April 15, 2024

Student: Reilly Hall

Placement: Captain R. Wilson P.S.

My main tasks and responsibilities include:

The most important skills I have learned through my co-op placement are:

Before I started in the co-op class I knew I wanted to work with younger children but I wasn’t set on what I wanted to do. After having experienced so many wonderful days at Captain R Wilson with Ms Fraser's students in her classroom I am sure that I want to be a kindergarten teacher in the future!

Week of April 8, 2024

Student: Jaslyne Marek, Grade 12     

Placement: Nature’s NEAR

At Nature’s NEAR, I have developed an educational environmental program along with my fellow co-op students. This includes researching and putting the program together, and now presenting them into classes in grades 4-6. I am responsible for setting up our outdoor activities (an outdoor game and seed ball making), and engaging the kids to get them excited to learn about nature! Additionally, I make weekly social media posts to create easily accessible online resources to learn about the environment.

During my placement I have learned how to make information and research easily understandable for young kids, as well as how to be engaging and implement experiential learning into lessons. I love getting the kids hyped for playing games by bringing energy into the classroom. Because of co-op I also know how to identify certain bird species, and I have grown my knowledge about plants and animals in my local environment. I have gotten the chance to go on many nature walks and learn how to use binoculars correctly, while also developing skills on how to notice identifiable features on birds such as their physical appearance, behaviour, songs, etc. 

Co-op has allowed me to meet and network with so many people who work with the environment and sustainability, and see the path they have taken to get to where they are today. I have been able to spend more time outside in the environment and apply my learning to real life. My placement has only made me more excited to pursue environmental science in post secondary.

Previous Co-op Students of the Week

Week of January 22

Student:  Olivia Goodstadt, Grade 11       

Placement:  Anne J. MacArthur Public School, Grade 1 Classroom

During my Grade 1 placement, I am responsible for working one on one with certain students who need assistance, conducting small group activities, leading the morning meetings and circulating around the classroom during independent work time for extra assistance. When I am not busy with the tasks directly involving the students, I also do several things around the classroom to prepare for upcoming lessons and maintain organization, such as photocopying worksheets, marking student work, updating the word wall, creating seating charts and using the laminator.

One of the most important skills that I have learned during my time at Anne J MacArthur is the importance of building relationships with the students and getting to know each student individually. This is so important for creating and fostering a caring classroom community. Additionally, I have been able to significantly improve my classroom management skills using several different tricks and strategies to help. This is very important in maintaining a calm and organized classroom. Finally, my placement has allowed me to continue developing my problem solving and adaptability skills. The majority of the time in a grade 1 classroom can be very unpredictable, so it is important to be able to adapt to any situation.

My co-op experience has taught me so many valuable real-world lessons that I can apply to future jobs in education. I have learned so much about what it means to be a teacher and the work that it entails. It has also helped me to solidify my passion for becoming an elementary teacher and has confirmed that I definitely want to go into teaching after high school.

Week of December 18

Student:  Victoria Naemsch, Grade 11       

Placement:  Captain R Wilson, JK/SK

At my placement, I am responsible for directing the students with activities throughout the afternoon, reading with them to build up their motor skills and helping out around the classroom by adding pictures and students' work onto the walls of the classroom and making sure things stay organized. I build connections and relationships with the students and make sure that they feel safe and welcomed in the classroom when they come in every day. 

The time that I have been at Captain R. Wilson has taught me a lot and how to deal with situations as they come even if I am not 100% sure of the answer. I have learned how to improve my presentation, communication and observation skills within a classroom and outside on the playground. Not only this but I have learned to improve on my patience because sometimes the students are not as fast at something or it might take them a while to comprehend what is being asked of them and I have learned to take it slow and help them when they need it. I find my responsibility has also grown as I am in a class full of students and when things happen such as a fire drill I am responsible for making sure that all the students are out on time and doing what is asked of them. 

Co-op has given me practical classroom experiences and assisted with the issue of real-world exposure. It puts me in professional situations, for me to develop a professional attitude and a good work ethic. It also helps me better grasp what it would be like to be a teacher and confirms that this is still something I would want to pursue for postsecondary.