What People are Saying


Grade 6 Team Tom Thomson Public School

Eco-Rangers is The best school trip our Grade 6's take, during the whole year. There are so many outstanding aspects to the Eco Rangers trip. First off, our students are engaged to solve real life biodiversity related problems. Where they need to collaborate and solve issues (all hands on) that can or have happened. Second, the high school students who teach the program are positive role models; they are upstanders who relate to all learners. We had a few students last year who were not easy to manage, but the high school students were committed to make their experience positive (e.g., encourage, re-direct, meet their level). Third, when there is no cost EVERY student could go. Students from less economic advantages, had the opportunity to learn in the best environment (Outdoors!). Lastly, the program is all linked to the curriculum.

Last year, it poured rain and it was a cooler day. Our kids were outside the entire time, and they loved every minute of it. We expected to hear complaints from students about the weather, but not one child had a bad thing to say because the program is highly engaging.

Wendy Cox (Pineland Public School)

I would like to express the benefits that the ECO Rangers program has had on my Gr. 2 Pineland French Immersion students. My students spent the day with Jason Blair's ECO Ranger students last year, and this year, I plan to have my current students participate in this program again. The ECO Rangers program taught my students valuable information about how to create a sustainable future. As you know, climate change education is extremely important in today's current day curriculum and programming. The ECO Rangers student leaders taught my students through the inquiry process, ways to better protect our water and land resources. This led to more inquiry in this area upon our return to school. The program hosted an Indigenous elder when we were there. This elder instilled within students a sacred respect for Indigenous land on which we stand and live. The elder spoke to their level and instilled a knowledge, understanding and respect that became consolidated through time and later discussions about that experience. The student leaders in the ECO Rangers program visibly learned skills that will stay with them throughout life. They led our younger students in a caring, knowledgeable and respectful way. They knew their program well and I could tell that this knowledge will be extremely necessary and valuable in 21st Century society when they gain employment and advocate for Indigenous rights and sustainability on the global stage. The funding is necessary for this program to sustain itself, and it is of utmost importance to maintain equity in that all students, no matter their income, be able to participate in the important outdoor education part. Keeping this program funded and sustained will only benefit our future citizens with the necessary 21st century skills, and will continue to set up students towards successful global citizenship.

Jacob Moskal Kings Road Public School

For the past few years the gr 6 class at King's Road P.S. has participated in the Eco Rangers program at the RBG and it has always been an amazing experience for my students. It gives my class the opportunity to meet older students from the high school that they will be going to the next year and allows them to create connections and build friendships with those from the high school. The program also builds community and teamwork through the different activities that are run by the high school students. It also allows the grade 6 students to see some of the great programs that they may become involved with, when they move onto Aldershot School. Whenever the opportunity arises for the grade 6 students to participate in this program I always jump at the chance to go as it is a great program and I really hope it will continue into the future.

Sara Eby (Frontenac Public School)

The ECO Rangers program has been a fantastic outdoor education experience for Frontenac's students. It is a valuable opportunity for our Grade 7 students to learn Science in a hands on, real life atmosphere. The ECO Ranger leaders do a great job creating community, and putting together fun, Science based, age appropropriate activities. Having ECO Rangers offered cost free helps all of our students participate equitably. We look forward to another year with ECO Rangers!