
There should not be much work to complete at home at this age. I will give students plenty of time to do work assigned in class. *If* there is homework, it is usually due to off task chatter/behaviour that prevents students from completing their work as needed, therefore requiring extra time at home (or during break).

Keep in mind, even if there is no homework assigned, there is ALWAYS something that can be worked on! For example - read for 30 minutes/night (in French AND English); read work out loud; review past notes (this is an essential study skill); practice taking jot notes from books/articles; practice writing summaries or stories; study math facts; look over key terms; work on MyBlueprint; explore the web-links posted on this site... and that's just a FEW ideas!

Google Cloud and Google Classroom are great tools for students to use to be able to edit their work from school and home, as well to work on projects at the same time as peers and share with me without the need for a printer! I can send assignments through Classroom, and students can "make a copy" to fill in their answers (if I haven't already created a copy for each student!). Students can get signed into Google using their network login that they use for school, adding "" to the end of their username. Google Chrome is the recommended browser.

My Blueprint is a website for students to create online portfolios, create goals, and reflect on their progress in school. This program will be used in the intermediate grades to assist them in course selection for high school, and career planning in secondary school. Just like with the Google Suite sites, students will log in with their school email and passwords.


Students are encouraged to take the initiative in asking questions, recording homework assignments, getting homework and notes they miss when absent, staying inside to make up for unfinished work, completing assignments and correcting it when it is taken up in class, taking notes while in class, and reviewing those notes regularly.

I explain to students that they need to “treat school like a job”, or at the very least “like job training” to encourage them to start developing excellent work habits and completing homework and assignments by due dates.

**If there is some reason that homework cannot be completed, I ask for a note from parents – mainly so we are on the same page, and I know parents are aware of the incomplete work as well.**