GCSE History


Welcome to the page to support you in your GCSE History examinations! You will find here links and resources that will ensure you are prepared as best as possible for your summer exams. If you need any specific help with a resource, or need pointing in the right direction you can contact your class teacher via email, and they will be happy to point you in the right direction. 

Every year at HDHS, and across the country, there is a clear link between those students who access and exploit out of class resources, and those that get the very highest grades. This site should assist you with the "little and often" approach, which will give you a great foundation to get the very best grades you can. 

If you need anything else during the course of your GCSE, don't be afraid to ask.

Mr. Sears

Head of History

Quick Facts and Contacts. 

Exam Board: Edexcel

Lead Contact: Mr. P Sears (peter.sears@hdhs.school)

Year 11 Teachers:

Miss. Davies: (sarah.davies-llewellyn@hdhs.school)

Miss. Ruffell :(katie.ruffell@hdhs.school)

Mr. Sears: (peter.sears@hdhs.school)

Mr Ireland: (nils.ireland@hdhs.school)

Mr. Higgon: (martin.higgon:@hdhs.school)


All Year 11 are able to use Seneca as a platform for additional revision. 

Students are all able to log onto Seneca and select a range of units to revise independently. 

Revision Resources

H.W Book How to Revise in GCSE History.pdf

How to revise?

Making sure that the work you are doing sticks, this short guide will give you techniques that will help you remember what you are revising for your exam!

Medicine Through Time PLC

This is a checklist of all the key knowledge needed for the Medicine through time unit - use it as a checklist to focus on what you don't know!

Germany PLC .pdf

Germany 1918-1939 PLC

This is a checklist of all the key knowledge needed for the Germany unit - use it as a checklist to focus on what you don't know!

Anglo-Saxons and Normans PLC

This is a checklist of all the key knowledge needed for the Anglo Saxons and Normans unit - use it as a checklist to focus on what you don't know!

Medicine Knowledge Organiser

This knowledge organiser neatly and clearly outlines all the core knowledge needed for the Medicine paper

Germany Knowledge Organiser

This knowledge organiser neatly and clearly outlines all the core knowledge needed for the Germany paper

Anglo Saxons and Normans Knowledge Organiser 

This knowledge organiser neatly and clearly outlines all the core knowledge needed for the Anglo-Saxon and Normans paper

Past Examination Papers


Paper 3: Weimar And Nazi Germany

Additional Revision Materials

Y11 Practice Booklet History
Medicine in Britain 1250-present PLC