GCSE Geography


Welcome to the Geography page aimed at providing you information and support for your GCSE Geography exams. Using this website will help you find resources and links to revisions sites that will help you prepare to the best of your ability for your final GCSE exams. Starting to plan your revision now means you will identify areas in the topics that you aren't confident in and it will reduce stress and anxiety if you find yourself having to cram lots of information at the end of the year. 

If you need any support in your revision please don't hesitate to ask. 

Mr Cook

Director of Humanities

Quick Facts

Exam Board: AQA

Lead Contact: Mr. D Cook (david.cook@hdhs.school)

Year 11 teachers:

Ms. Campbell (louise.campbell@hdhs.school)

Ms. Sheridan (shelley.sheridan@hdhs.school)

Mr. Bell (dean.bell@hdhs.school)


All Year 11 are able to use Seneca as a platform for additional revision. 

Students are all able to log onto Seneca and select a range of units to revise independently. 

Exam Information:

Geography is examined across three exam papers. An overview of Paper 1 and 2 is shown below. Students are not able to prepare for Paper 3 until March when we will receive guidance from the exam board as to the content of the exam. 

Students should focus their revision on Paper 1 content which was taught in school last year. An overview of where we are currently for Paper 2 is also shown. 

Paper 1

Unit A: Hazards - Earthquakes, tropical storms and climate change. (Taught in full)

Unit B: The Living World - Ecosystems, rainforests and cold environments. (Taught in full)

Unit C: UK Landscapes - Rivers and coasts. (Taught in full)

This unit is completely taught and students should be revising.

Paper 2

Unit A: Urban issues and challenges - Megacities, Rio de Janeiro case study and London case study. (Taught in full)

Unit B: The Changing Economic World - Economic theory, Nigeria case study and UK case study. (Being taught now)

Unit C: Resource Management - An overview of food, energy and water in the UK and a focussed study of the global issues of energy management. (Will be taught in February)

Revision Resources

This section contains knowledge organisers and personalised checklists to support your revision on the both papers. 

Making sure that the work you are doing sticks, this short guide will give you techniques that will help you remember what you are revising for your exam!

How to revise in Geography.pdf

Paper 1 Knowledge Organisers:

UNIT A Tectonic Hazards Knowledge Organiser KOBE AND HAITI.pdf

Paper 1 Hazards Earthquakes KO

UNIT A Weather Hazards Knowledge Organiser.pdf

Paper 1 Hazards Tropical Storms KO

UNIT A Climate Change Knowledge Organiser.pdf

Paper 1 Hazards  Climate Change KO

UNIT B Living World ECOSYSTEMS AND BIOMES Knowledge Organiser .pdf

Paper 1 Ecosystems KO

UNIT B Living World RAINFORESTS AND MALAYSIA Knowledge Organiser .pdf

Paper 1 Rainforests KO

UNIT B Living World COLD ENVIRONMENTS Knowledge Organiser .pdf

Paper 1 Cold Environments KO

UNIT C Coasts Knowledge Organiser.pdf

Paper 1 Coasts KO

UNIT C Rivers Knowledge Organiser.pdf

Paper 1 Rivers KO

Paper 1 Personalised Learning Checklists:


Paper 1 Hazards PLC

Coasts PLC.pdf

Paper 1 Coasts PLC

Rivers PLC.pdf

Paper 1 Rivers PLC

Living World PLC.pdf

Paper 1 Living World PLC

Paper 2 Knowledge Organisers:

UNIT A Urban issues and challenges THEORY Knowledge Organiser.pdf

Paper 2 Urban Theory KO

UNIT A Urban issues and challenges RIO Knowledge Organiser.pdf

Paper 2 Rio de Janeiro case study KO

UNIT A Urban issues and challenges LONDON Knowledge Organiser.pdf

Paper 2 London case study KO

UNIT A Urban issues and challenges SUSTAINABLE CITIES Knowledge Organiser.pdf

Paper 2 Sustainable Cities KO

UNIT B Changing economic world BACKGROUND THEORY Knowledge Organiser.pdf

Paper 2 Economic World Theory KO

UNIT B Changing economic world NIGERIA Knowledge Organiser.pdf

Paper 2 Nigeria case study KO

UNIT B Changing economic world UK CASE STUDY Knowledge Organiser.pdf

Paper 2 UK case study KO

UNIT C Challenge of resource management Q6 ENERGY MANAGEMENT Knowledge Organiser.pdf

Paper 2 UK resources KO

UNIT C Challenge of resource management Q6 ENERGY MANAGEMENT Knowledge Organiser.pdf

Paper 2 Energy KO

UNIT C Challenge of resource management Q6 SUSTAINABLE ENERGY Knowledge Organiser.pdf

Paper 2 Sustainable Energy KO

Paper 2 Personalised Learning Checklists:

Urban Issues and Challenges PLCs.pdf

Paper 2 Urban Issues PLC

The-changing-economic-world PLC.pdf

Paper 2 Changing Economic World PLC

The Challenge of Resource Management PLCs.pdf

Paper 2 Resource Management PLC

Past Examination Papers


Paper 1: Specimen Set 1


Paper 1: Specimen Set 2


Paper 1: Specimen Set 3


Paper 2: Specimen Set 1


Paper 2: Specimen Set 2


Paper 2: Specimen Set 3