8th annual Harry Potter Trivia Competition ~ November 4, 2025

Calling all Harry Potter fans! Teams of 3-5 students and staff members are invited to compete in our 8th annual Harry Potter Trivia Competition on Monday, November 4 at 2:30 in the library! Extra house points will be given for clever team names and Harry Potter themed clothes or accessories. Winners will receive themed prizes! Teams have until November 1st to sign up in the library. 

Eight teams competed in our 7th annual Harry Potter Trivia Competition on Monday, November 6, 2023. Extra "house points" were given for clever team names and themed clothes & accessories! 

Congratulations to Dobby's Other Sock (1st place) and Hedwig Heroes (2nd place), our 2023 winners! 

dobby's other sock

Hedwig Heroes

Pictures from our 2023 event are below!