The following stages, icons, and descriptions are taken directly from the framework! Click on the link above for even more information.


• Invitation to inquiry• Open minds• Stimulate curiosity

In GID, we open our minds with curiosity and inquiry.


• Build background knowledge• Connect to content• Discover interesting ideas– As a community

Immerse looks like ripples in a pool of water. Time spent in this phase ripples into the success of later phases of inquiry. Students build background knowledge and discover new ideas.


• Explore interesting ideas• Look around• Dip in

Explore is an explosion. Because of the emotional response students experience of information overload in this phase, the icon reminds us to slow down and pay attention to students’ emotions and connections to their own interests.


• Pause and ponder• Identify inquiry question• Decide direction

Identify is the turning point of the inquiry signified by the bending arrow into a dot.


• Gather important information• Go broad• Go deep

Students move from resources to their notes and engage in the processing of each resource to understand their question.


• Reflect on learning• Go beyond facts to make meaning• Create to communicate

In the Create phase, students create new meaning through the information they have found.


• Learn from each other• Share learning• Tell your story

Students share their learning with their inquiry community and the wider world.


• Evaluate achievement of learning goals• Reflect on content• Reflect on process

Students not only reflect all the way through the GID process, but take time to reflect at the end. This helps them become more aware of how they learned, an important skill for today’s learners.